Recent times have witnessed a palpable enhancement in the relationship between Turkey and Iraq, marking a notable departure from historical challenges. Throughout their shared history, these nations have grappled with a range of obstacles, often under the looming influence of the United States, especially post the Second Gulf War. Yet, current developments suggest a deliberate endeavor to transcend previous discord and pave the way for collaborative endeavors aimed at mutual prosperity and cooperation.

A significant turning point in the trajectory of Turkish-Iraqi relations occurred when the Turkish parliament rejected the passage of US troops through Turkey to initiate a new front in Iraq. This stance, while straining Ankara’s ties with Washington, served as a testament to Turkey’s unwavering dedication to respecting parliamentary decisions. Despite ensuing challenges, the rift between Turkey and the US persisted, prompting Turkey to reevaluate its regional partnerships and alliances. This pivotal moment underscored Turkey’s commitment to independent decision-making and sovereignty in its foreign policy approach.

In the preceding year, Turkey has embarked on a tangible endeavor to bolster its relations with Iraq, emphasizing not solely security cooperation but also economic integration. This proactive stance manifested notably through the active participation of pivotal Turkish figures such as Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, Defense Minister Yasar Guler, and intelligence chief Ibrahim Kalin. Their concerted efforts have played a pivotal role in fortifying the alliance between the two nations, signaling a committed push towards broader collaboration and mutual advancement across various spheres.

A recent meeting between Turkish and Iraqi officials yielded several important decisions, with perhaps the most significant being Iraq’s agreement to designate the PKK as a terrorist organization. This marked a notable departure from Iraq’s previous reluctance to label the PKK as such, indicating a willingness to address Turkey’s security concerns more directly. While the full extent of Iraq’s commitment remains to be seen, this represents a crucial step towards undermining the PKK’s presence in Iraq.

Moreover, there has been a notable escalation in military-level interactions between Turkey and Iraq, underscoring a mutual readiness to collaborate on border security and counterterrorism initiatives. Notably, recent military endeavors have been meticulously orchestrated in tandem with Iraqi counterparts, epitomizing a joint resolve to protect the respective interests of both nations. This heightened level of coordination exemplifies a shared commitment towards enhancing regional stability and addressing common security challenges through concerted bilateral efforts.

The potential establishment of a transport corridor between Turkey and Iraq has emerged as a significant focal point, resonating with a historical aspiration dating back to the early 20th century. This envisioned corridor, should it come to fruition, holds the promise of substantially enhancing trade and connectivity between the two nations. By creating a vital artery for economic exchange, it has the capacity to unlock a plethora of opportunities and catalyze closer bilateral relations. This initiative underscores a shared commitment to fostering sustainable development and deeper cooperation in the region.

However, challenges remain, particularly concerning the allocation of water resources from the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The question of water rights has long been a contentious issue among Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, and while Syria’s involvement is currently limited due to internal strife, it is likely to resurface as a priority in the future. Resolving this issue will require diplomatic finesse and a commitment to finding equitable solutions that address the needs of all parties involved.

Despite the hurdles encountered the trajectory of Turkish-Iraqi relations signals readiness for continued growth and advancement. The impetus generated by recent initiatives highlights the fertile ground for nurturing a strategic partnership grounded in mutual respect and collaboration. With both nations committed to constructive dialogue and aligned in pursuit of common goals, the horizon for Turkish-Iraqi relations appears promising. As they navigate challenges together and capitalize on opportunities, the potential for a flourishing and enduring bond between Turkey and Iraq shines brightly.

The developing rapport between Turkey and Iraq marks a deliberate pivot towards cooperation and mutual prosperity. Through the joint endeavor to tackle common hurdles, embrace collaborative opportunities, and cultivate goodwill, both countries are primed to harvest the dividends of a fortified alliance. With a resolute dedication to advancement and a readiness to surmount challenges, Turkish-Iraqi relations hold the promise of blossoming in the foreseeable future. As they navigate their shared journey, the foundation for enduring cooperation and shared progress between Turkey and Iraq is solidifying with each step forward.

QOSHE - Turkey is simplifying its connections with Iraq - Sonjib Chandra Das
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Turkey is simplifying its connections with Iraq

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Recent times have witnessed a palpable enhancement in the relationship between Turkey and Iraq, marking a notable departure from historical challenges. Throughout their shared history, these nations have grappled with a range of obstacles, often under the looming influence of the United States, especially post the Second Gulf War. Yet, current developments suggest a deliberate endeavor to transcend previous discord and pave the way for collaborative endeavors aimed at mutual prosperity and cooperation.

A significant turning point in the trajectory of Turkish-Iraqi relations occurred when the Turkish parliament rejected the passage of US troops through Turkey to initiate a new front in Iraq. This stance, while straining Ankara’s ties with Washington, served as a testament to Turkey’s unwavering dedication to respecting parliamentary decisions. Despite ensuing challenges, the rift between Turkey and the US persisted, prompting Turkey to reevaluate its regional partnerships and alliances. This pivotal moment underscored Turkey’s commitment to independent decision-making and sovereignty in its foreign policy approach.

In the preceding year, Turkey has embarked on a tangible endeavor to bolster its relations with Iraq, emphasizing not solely security cooperation but........

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