By Charles Martel —— Bio and Archives--February 11, 2024

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This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press because without America, there is no free world.

The mental fragility of the most powerful man in the free world floats in suspension like a cloud of mephitic ooze above the nation and the world. It’s propped up by a dual system of justice, a political party and its members and apparatchiks whose hatred for their fellow countrymen and lust for power denies or sweeps away reason, and a dying and dishonest media.

The lead prosecutor, Robert Hur, appointed by Merrick Garland to probe and consider whether or not Joe Biden was criminally guilty in absconding with classified documents has reported, quote, “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

Disclosed? To whom? Well, turns out the investigation discovered a conversation recorded in 2017 between Biden and the ghost writer of his memoir, Promise Me Dad, Mark Zwonitzer; mind you, it was a conversation uncovered with forensic analysis after having been deleted by Zwonitzer, in which Biden says, quote, “just found all this classified stuff downstairs.” Testimony from the horse’s mouth that slow Joe knew 7 years ago he had taken things he shouldn’t have, as he goes on to tell Zwonitzer “Some of this may be classified, so be careful.” Do tell. Biden then continues by reading notes from the Situation Room that remain classified to this day.

Prosecutor Hur also reported that what Biden smuggled away were, quote, “marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan and notebooks containing Mr. Biden’s handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.”

Evidently, the Big Guy purloined the classified documents at least in part to serve as material for his second book. Hur states “One function of Mr Biden’s notebooks was to provide raw material for his eventual second memoir”; and Zwoniter adds of the notes that they “made the book possible,” providing the “emotional arc of the story.” You don’t say.

Turns out that among other gems disclosed to Zwoniter, who did not have security clearance, were US intelligence military sources, including human intelligence sources. I guess if you’re going to write a book you’ve got to have some interesting details, and Joe Biden has made several million dollars in book deals.

Interestingly and harmonically thematic, among other “secret” and “classified” documents Biden squirreled away were details of conversations the Big Guy had with Ukraine’s prime minister in December 2015, the very month of Joe’s threat to withhold 1 billion in aid from that country unless the prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings, the company paying Hunter and his partners millions, was fired. It’s good to be a Democrat.

DA Hur goes on to explain that “Mr. Biden will likely present himself to the jury…as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory…It would be difficult to convince a jury to convict him – by then a former president who will be well into his 80s – of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

In a persuasive finish, Hur concludes Biden suffered from, quote, “diminished faculties in advancing age.” You mean like senility? Like dementia? I guarantee you that “diminished faculties in advancing age” will be quoted by serious scholars 200 years from now, and if in subsequent years we are graced by another Shakespeare, the quote will become a center piece for dramatic fodder.

Of course, Biden was, predictably, infuriated and indignant at Hur’s report, and he charged before a mic in a room full of reporters and confused the leader of Egypt with the president of Mexico. A kind of verbal flatulence, you might say, and not likely to allay fears. As I previously mentioned, it’s good to be a Democrat, isn’t it?

By the way, forgive my lack of compassion for Joe Biden. In his very best days, at the zenith of his mole hill, dung heap capacity, he was a liar, a plagairist, a racist, an opportunist, and a mean-spirited greedy piece of dog vomit whose only true allegiance, as is abundantly apparent, was and remains to his wallet. In every way this is a condign fate, karma, justice catching up to him.

At this point an objective observer, even one disposed to hating progressives and progressive political lunacy must be moved to ponder “Would we, until the election, be better off with Kamala Harris? Yes, she’s a low-level mediocrity bereft of talent and intellect, but I suspect she can divine the difference between nuclear codes and something you eat for lunch.”

I’ve said for some time that Joe Biden will not be the Dem candidate. Well, for me, the most shocking aspect of this story is not that Biden’s brain is rotting, and not that his wife and family continue to allow him to be humiliated, to rip from him every shred of dignity in a manner and degree that will forever present a diarrheal stain in history books – we know and have known for a long time that Jill and Joe’s children are garbage people – what I find most astonishing is that this affords Democrats a perfect opportunity and reason to rid themselves of a political corpse whose stench is adding to their increasingly diminished appeal, but instead they circle the wagons, battling the encroaching storm with ferocity and denial.

At some point you have to wonder if the Biden team has pictures of every significant Democrat in the country engaged in sex with animals or reclining in the nude while fondling a toddler. Otherwise, why in the name of honesty, national security and their own political destinies would they not rid us of this noisome pest?

Of course, we know the reason why. Although our imaginary objective observer may conclude that the merely stupid Kamala Harris is, however sadly, a superior choice to a shuffling, dyspeptic, incontinent old man who resembles nothing so much as Al Capone in the last stage of syphilis, Democrats know that if Harris is promoted, they may well be stuck with her in the general election, and she remains slightly less popular than a pedophile riddled with leprosy. Still…

Here’s a proposition: Joe Biden is too senile for office and must resign, or Joe Biden is of sound mind and must be indicted. Pick one. Only one can be true.

Of course, to the impenetrable progressive mind justice, like honor and decency, was long ago subsumed to power lust. And buried under an avalanche of hypocrisy, they will, forgetting that many of them demanded the invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, continue to insist that Joe Biden is of sound mind and Donald Trump must go to prison for having classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.

Puts me in mind of quote from PJ O’Rourke you’ve heard me previously deliver: At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”

Although their hypocrisy is immutable and impervious to reason or evidence, a progressives’ instinct for power survival – at least among those with a handful of IQ points -- is instinctual and innate, like that of a wild animal perceiving danger in a situation it’s never previously experienced. As a result, this latest in the growing collection of Biden’s stumbles like a drunk homeless man from ditch to ditch has led to some desperate, crying and pathetic bleats.

A leading example of which is furnished by no less than the NY Times editorial board in an article titled “The Challenges of an Aging President,” in which are found “This is a dark moment in Mr. Biden’s presidency.” Pardon my digression, but was there ever a light moment? In describing the Big Guy’s press conference which was designed to, quote, “insure the public that his memory is fine,” “the president raised more questions about his cognitive sharpness and temperament, as he delivered emotional and snappish retorts in a moment when people were looking for steady, even, and capable responses to fair questions about his fitness.” “His assurances didn’t work; he must do better.”

How desperate is that. This is an attempt raise the dead. The article is either suggesting that if Joe just tries a little harder he can restore his brain or, more likely, please Democratic Party leaders, please, do something!

But for belly laugh levity it is impossible to out do the response to the article from Biden’s campaign manager, Rob Flaherty, who implicitly accuses the Times of a pro Trump bias when he tweets “Is Donald Trump too macho, good at dancing, charming, dynamic, and – dare we say it -- debonair!” Oh, man, you’re in a bad place when you believe the New York Times has a pro Trump bias.

Other pleadings were more measured but equally pointed: ABC published “Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term.”

James Carville said “Biden not accepting Super Bowl interview is a "sign.”

And Hillary Clinton, no doubt harboring passionate if inebriated desires, called Biden’s age a, quote, “legitimate Issue.”

Long time Dem operative Paul Begala put the wrapping on this package when he said “This is terrible for Democrats, and anyone with a functioning brain knows that.” While that excludes 80 to 90% of loyal Democrats, there is no bow on the wrapping paper or me because when you consider the position of the country as a whole finding joy in this is rather like watching your foe in the adjacent cell being dragged away to the scaffold to hang first.

Dems and their enablers have placed the nation in a perilous position. They will not take responsibility for it, and they will go to any lengths to ensure their hold on power does not suffer. Their pleadings and cries will grow louder and more desperate, accompanied by actions both rash and ruthless. Like the wild animal to which I earlier alluded, there is no measure to which they won’t resort to escape, to hold on. This will make them extraordinarily dangerous. Begala should have shortened his statement to, simply, “This is terrible.” That would have summed up everything.

This is Charles Martel for the Canada Free Press. Catch me on instagram at CharlesMartelCFP.

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Joe Biden? Good lord, the nation must consider if Kamala Harris is a better option

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By Charles Martel —— Bio and Archives--February 11, 2024

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This is Charles Martel coming to you from Florida and bringing down the hammer for the Canada Free Press because without America, there is no free world.

The mental fragility of the most powerful man in the free world floats in suspension like a cloud of mephitic ooze above the nation and the world. It’s propped up by a dual system of justice, a political party and its members and apparatchiks whose hatred for their fellow countrymen and lust for power denies or sweeps away reason, and a dying and dishonest media.

The lead prosecutor, Robert Hur, appointed by Merrick Garland to probe and consider whether or not Joe Biden was criminally guilty in absconding with classified documents has reported, quote, “Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.”

Disclosed? To whom? Well, turns out the investigation discovered a conversation recorded in 2017 between Biden and the ghost writer of his memoir, Promise Me Dad, Mark Zwonitzer; mind you, it was a conversation uncovered with forensic analysis after having been deleted by Zwonitzer, in which Biden says, quote, “just found all this classified stuff downstairs.” Testimony from the horse’s mouth that slow Joe knew 7 years ago he had taken things he shouldn’t have, as he goes on to tell Zwonitzer “Some of this may be classified, so be careful.” Do tell. Biden then continues by reading notes from the Situation Room that remain classified to this day.

Prosecutor Hur also reported that what Biden smuggled away were, quote, “marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan and notebooks containing Mr. Biden’s handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.”

Evidently, the Big Guy purloined the classified documents at least in part to serve as material for his second book. Hur states “One function of Mr Biden’s notebooks was to provide raw material for his eventual second memoir”; and Zwoniter adds of the notes that they “made the book possible,” providing the “emotional arc of the story.” You don’t say.

Turns out that among other gems disclosed to Zwoniter, who did not have security clearance, were US intelligence military sources, including human intelligence sources. I guess if you’re going to write a book you’ve got to have some interesting details, and Joe Biden has made several million dollars in book deals.


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