By Charles Martel —— Bio and Archives--February 19, 2024

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In 2020, he was poisoned; he survived that attempt on his life when he was airlifted to a Berlin hospital. Bravely, some might say foolishly, upon his recovery he returned to Russia and was immediately arrested. He’d been imprisoned since, and last week, at age 47, authorities reported his death. Undeniably, this was a political murder.

Last week, David Marcus, an analyst whose work I generally admire had this to say on twitter: “I have a lot of issues with Joe Biden. But he is my president. And I know he won’t jail or kill me for opposing him. Putin does. And you useful idiots praising him are, well, idiots.”

While I’m in agreement with his assessment of Putin and anyone praising him, I emphatically disagree with his conclusion about progressives in America and their drooling and demented puppet. In fact, many of the pieces necessary for this kind of assault are already assembled, and we’ve seen and continue to see probing attacks that establish new limits and weak points.

Only two things have prevented a full-scale power takeover: one being a majority of Supreme Court justices with a determined fealty to our constitutional republic, and the second being that we are armed to the teeth. This is why you hear calls from the left to expand the Supreme Court, as well as the unending drumbeat to disarm us.

It seems to me the unspoken premise in Dave Marcus’ statement is that the American progressive is exceptional or superior, more humane. Why else would he conclude that the totalitarian progressives here – and that is redundant; all progressives for all time are totalitarian. Whatever of their program is refused at the ballot box -- if there is a ballot box -- will, if they are capable, be forced on people by whatever means are necessary – so by what philosophical legerdemain can we arrive at a notion that leftists in America, given the opportunity, would behave differently?

How could it ever be supposed, after observing the Soviet Union, China, East Germany, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba or Venezuela, that an American socialist-Marxist communitarian would be different? Anyone with a passing familiarity of US history knows that with the exception of North Korea, all these nations have had support and found ready apologists among American and Western liberals. Is there something here in the food or water that might lead someone to believe that the worst instincts of progressives world-wide would somehow, for some reason be eschewed here? I don’t think so.

From the Rosenbergs to Alger Hiss to Barack Obama mentor Bill Ayers the convictions and behavior of US communists have relentlessly evidenced an absolute willingness to tolerate and abet imprisonment and murder if those are the means necessary to bring about the desired Nirvana. By the way, if you have a moment, google George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright and socialist; his zest for gassing people would be amusing if it weren’t so terrible, and in listening to him you begin to understand that murder is simply a deep-rooted, long-standing immutable trait of those determined to achieve the leftist utopia.

But let’s skip the past and examine more recent events. As I list a few things, you may, at first, think some of the people or events have no bearing on the topic, but look a bit deeper. Consider what is suggested about the people involved. About what we’ve been forced to accept as normal discourse and acceptable disagreement.

First, think of Brett Kavanaugh and the hearings leading to his confirmation. He was led before the nation, in front of his family and forced to endure allegations of being a gang rapist, all because of the spurious assertions of an accuser who was shown IMMEDIATELY to be a liar. What kind of people stand behind that? How ruthless are they? Kavanaugh was confirmed on a 50-48 vote; what becomes of him if he lost the confirmation? What does his life look like? If that’s acceptable in the political arena, then where is the line of unacceptable? What’s an example of beyond the pale?

Think of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan. Well how could they possibly relate to my point? Sure, both men are despicable beyond description. In my view, they’ve both been responsible for people being murdered; in the case of Sharpton, it is simply undeniable. If you ask me for a word association with both men, the first thing that comes to mind is vomit. Every reasonable fair-minded person knows precisely what they are. I neither care nor know if they are Marxists or socialists; what I do care about is their having been countenanced and even elevated by one political party. Sharpton and Farrakhan and those who follow them are tools; both men are used to divide people and to stir up hatred. If that’s a legitimate means to power, then help me understand what isn’t legitimate. Who, to progressives, is someone to be shunned? What behavior is unacceptable?

Allow me to leap to something more obvious: Think of January 6th and juxtapose it to the BLM and ANTIFA riots. In one, comparatively little damage was done and the only person killed was an unarmed white woman shot by a black officer, who, by testimony of his fellow officers was guilty of behavior that should have, at the very least, led to a criminal investigation. Instead, January 6th , despite a plausible argument for large scale entrapment by the FBI, continues to be called an insurrection, albeit one without arms or violence, and hundreds of people there, guilty of no more than wandering the halls of Congress, continue to be hounded and imprisoned by over-zealous prosecutors, while the BLM and ANTIFA riots and murder stir up little to know outrage on the left despite being worse by several orders of magnitude. In essence, one bit of behavior is condemned and punished, the other excused or rationalized. Questions ask themselves: Is right wing anger ever justified? And what left wing anger is out of control? What, precisely, would bring about condemnation from progressive leadership? Are there any enemies on the left? Is there any destructive behavior that is impermissible?

Think of our intel agencies leading up to the 2020 election. Upper echalons in the CIA and FBI – think Brennan, Comey, and Clapper, to name only a few -- have been guilty of perjury before Congress, of lying on warrants to spy on American citizens, of persuading or coercing censorship by big tech, of enlisting the help of foreign sources to gin up a false narrative against one candidate, then continuing that narrative and persecution for the length of his presidency, all this in a show of contempt and denial of the country’s decision in a fair election. If that’s justifiable, then what is not? Where is the line over which they won’t step?

Consider for a moment our corporate press and what it has become. Lying and deceit have destroyed its credibility, but this is not enough to alter behavior. Very nearly all of old media are servile lackeys, happily obedient to political masters, uncaring about how their fellow citizens or history see or will view them. At this very moment, there is overwhelming evidence of corruption and treason by our sitting president, but our mainstream media can’t be bothered to yawn in that direction. If, in obedience to one narrative, journalists are willing to accept professional ruination and personal scorn, then is there any transgression, any act of criminality on the left that might move mainstream journalists to honesty and integrity? If so, what is it?

Think of a national election in which at least half the country believes voter fraud decided the outcome, but one side, instead of bringing security to the electorate by proving their case – a security that would, by the way, once proved, make their opponents look silly -- instead demonizes those who are concerned and refuses any and all attempts to ensure fairness; think of the weaponization of our judicial system to hound and attempt to impoverish and imprison Donald Trump and those who served him;

Think of Catholic parents attending school board meetings and MAGA enthusiasts being labelled potential terrorists by our FBI; think of Defund the Police; consider the attacks on free speech and the movement to end it via censorship or revision of our Constitution; think of transvestites invited to public schools and the trouncing of parental rights so children can make life-altering decisions about their bodies; think of our open border and the adamant refusal of our progressive government to do anything to secure it.

In fact, when the Texas governor took matters into his own hands, there were calls for Biden to nationalize the guard, meaning armed Americans would have been facing armed Americans. It was very easy to hear voices who fervently wanted that. Those voices remain, and they will be heard from again.

These are a few examples that to my mind suggest there are no actions, no people, no means that the left won’t employ to achieve and maintain power. And if you refuse to accept that premise, then I think in light of the outrages, both in people and actions, that have become part of normal discourse in the years since I was a child, that at no time prior to that would have risen to a level of debate, then detail for us what are those people and actions that we can expect progressives to shun, to declare illegitimate? Where is the line for progressives? The fact is, we’ve yet to discover one, and that’s because there is none.

David Marcus is wrong in this instance. The left in America will imprison and murder its opponents, just as the left has done wherever it’s gained power. None of this is complicated. If they get control of the Supreme Court, they will come after our guns; when they can’t take them away, they will make ammunition impossible to come by. When we can’t defend ourselves, they will come after us.

It is imperative to recognize this now and remember what once was daily taught in our school rooms: freedom is not free. We have an important advantage in that we believe in God, country, liberty and family. They serve an ideology;

That ideology that they are the most important thing in the world. In short, we are willing to die for things more important than ourselves, while for a narcissist, dying is the thing most to be feared. That advantage is forever superior. It is, one might say, Trump.

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QOSHE - The Political murder of Alexei Navalny: It could happen here, too. - Charles Martel
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The Political murder of Alexei Navalny: It could happen here, too.

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By Charles Martel —— Bio and Archives--February 19, 2024

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In 2020, he was poisoned; he survived that attempt on his life when he was airlifted to a Berlin hospital. Bravely, some might say foolishly, upon his recovery he returned to Russia and was immediately arrested. He’d been imprisoned since, and last week, at age 47, authorities reported his death. Undeniably, this was a political murder.

Last week, David Marcus, an analyst whose work I generally admire had this to say on twitter: “I have a lot of issues with Joe Biden. But he is my president. And I know he won’t jail or kill me for opposing him. Putin does. And you useful idiots praising him are, well, idiots.”

While I’m in agreement with his assessment of Putin and anyone praising him, I emphatically disagree with his conclusion about progressives in America and their drooling and demented puppet. In fact, many of the pieces necessary for this kind of assault are already assembled, and we’ve seen and continue to see probing attacks that establish new limits and weak points.

Only two things have prevented a full-scale power takeover: one being a majority of Supreme Court justices with a determined fealty to our constitutional republic, and the second being that we are armed to the teeth. This is why you hear calls from the left to expand the Supreme Court, as well as the unending drumbeat to disarm us.

It seems to me the unspoken premise in Dave Marcus’ statement is that the American progressive is exceptional or superior, more humane. Why else would he conclude that the totalitarian progressives here – and that is redundant; all progressives for all time are totalitarian. Whatever of their program is refused at the ballot box -- if there is a ballot box -- will, if they are capable, be forced on people by whatever means are necessary – so by what philosophical legerdemain can we arrive at a notion that leftists in America, given the opportunity, would behave differently?

How could it ever be supposed, after observing the Soviet Union, China, East Germany, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba or Venezuela, that an American socialist-Marxist communitarian would be different? Anyone with a passing familiarity of US history knows that with the exception of North Korea, all these nations have had support and found ready apologists among American and Western liberals. Is there something here in the food or water that might lead someone to believe that the worst instincts of progressives world-wide would somehow, for some reason be eschewed here? I don’t think so.

From the Rosenbergs to Alger Hiss to Barack Obama........

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