By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--April 22, 2024

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After being elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson said that "Congress must win back American's faith. Their faith is at an all time low". Johnson promised to work to win back the faith of the American people in Congress. Since then, Johnson has flagrantly violated the trust of the American people multiple times. Johnson joined with traitorous Democrats and Republicans in Congress to fund abortions, foreign wars, bio warfare labs, the transgender movement, and the teaching of homosexuality to our children.

Furthermore, Johnson led the charge to take every American's 4th Amendment Rights away by renewing section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), although it's unconstitutional. For the record, the 4th Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, establishes requirements (justification or probable cause) to obtain a search warrant, and it requires the seeker of the warrant to describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

Moreover, the renewal of section 702 of FISA completely nullifies the Fourth Amendment for everyone--except the bastards that renewed it. By the way, Section 702 would have expired (ended) if Congress failed to renew it. However, Congress saved it just in time for the FBI to continue using it to spy on Donald Trump and his supporters for the corupt Biden (Obama) regime, and it was accomplished with the help of Republicans and a phony Republican Speaker.

At this point, it's important to note that Mike Johnson and his band of traitors in Congress preserved their own 4th Amendment Rights in the same legislation they passed to take our 4th Amendment Rights. If you haven't guessed already, members of Congress are exempt from section 702 (unconstitutional FISA searches). The renewal of section 702 should make it evident to all Americans that Congress wasn't looking out for us--the American people—when it voted to renew FISA.

In fact, the renewal of section 702 is proof that Congress does not represent the American people. Mike Johnson and the rest of the traitors in Congress represent the enemies of of the Constitution and the American people. The renewal of section 702 is also proof that Congress considers the American people a threat. It proves that the socialists in Congress aren't afraid of the people voting them out of office.

Congress isn't afraid of being voted out of office because they know that our votes don't really count in Democrat and RINO controlled voting precincts. America's enemies will find the votes necessary to retain their power over us in the trunks of cars, in boxes in precinct closets, and in postal vans that arrive in the middle of the night. If necessary, America's enemies will shut the vote count down in the middle of the night, like they did in 2020, in order to create the votes necessary to retain power over us.

Furthermore, on Saturday, April 20th, Johnson and his band of uni-party traitors passed a $95 billion dollar foreign aid package to fund the war in Ukraine and the Israeli war, and I might add against the will of the American people. After Saturday, how could any American believe that Congress represents the American people? On top of funding foreign wars with American tax payers money, the traitors in Congress gave more of our tax money to Taiwan, the Republic of China. Why are American tax payers being forced against their will to fund the governments of foreign countries like Ukraine, Israel, and China?

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Donald Trump, if you are listening, Mike Johnson isn't your friend anymore than he is a friend of the American people. Since he gained the speaker's gavel, he's done nothing but hurt the American people. He's like a dirty little Democrat weasel. He gains your trust by portraying himself as a friend and sympathizer, but when given the opportunity, he betrays you to your enemies.

For the record, Johnson has done nothing to benefit the American people, or win back our faith in Congress since he gained the speaker's gavel. He has repeatedly sided with the enemies of America, ignored the will of the people, and harmed to our rights freedom and self determination. Johnson came out of the Democrat's Trojan Horse, and he's doing everything in his power to completely destroy America.

In conclusion, Johnson promised to work to restore faith in Congress, but he has done more to destroy faith in Congress than any RINO before him. In fact, Johnson has violated our trust and confidence more times than any Republican before him. If there ever was a snake in the grass, it's Mike Johnson. Johnson hasn't kept any of his promises, and he has proven, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he is an enemy of the American people; a traitor worse than Benedict Arnold.

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Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.

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A Traitor Worse Than Benedict Arnold: Speaker Mike Johnson Betrays the American People Again

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By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--April 22, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

After being elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson said that "Congress must win back American's faith. Their faith is at an all time low". Johnson promised to work to win back the faith of the American people in Congress. Since then, Johnson has flagrantly violated the trust of the American people multiple times. Johnson joined with traitorous Democrats and Republicans in Congress to fund abortions, foreign wars, bio warfare labs, the transgender movement, and the teaching of homosexuality to our children.

Furthermore, Johnson led the charge to take every American's 4th Amendment Rights away by renewing section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), although it's unconstitutional. For the record, the 4th Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures, establishes requirements (justification or probable cause) to obtain a search warrant, and it requires the seeker of the warrant to describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

Moreover, the renewal of section 702 of FISA completely nullifies the Fourth Amendment for everyone--except the bastards that renewed it. By........

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