By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--April 11, 2024

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Some Republicans are criticizing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.) because she filed a motion to oust Speaker Mike Johnson after he rammed the Democrat's spending spree through Congress. Former Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, who helped Democrats keep the phony Russian collusion investigation going, nowa Fox News propagandist, had Johnson on his show Sunday night.

Gowdy started out defending Johnson by declaring that the speaker's job is so hard, difficult, and unrewarding, and that nobody appreciates what the speaker has to do. He went on to lament that Johnson never put his name in for the job; that he was chosen. Once Johnson came on, he said that Green's motion to vacate is "a distraction from the mission to save the republic". Gowdy never asked Johnson any questions like this:

Last week, Rep. Green told Tucker Carlson that Mike Johnson, who claims to be a pro-life Christian, funded full term abortion clinics, and the child transsexual agenda. She said that the funding for both were included in the recently passed Democrat spending bill that Johnson rammed through Congress. Green went on to say that Johnson also supports sending another $60 billion dollars to Ukraine against the will of 70% of the American people.

Tucker Carlson added, "Mike Johnson has talked a lot about his faith as a Christian, and it informs all of his decisions. So with that in mind, here he is funding a government in Ukraine that's putting priests in jail, banning a Christian denomination and sending the army in to close churches." Tucker added, "So how can a Christian be in favor of using U.S. tax dollars to kill and imprison other Christians? I don't understand that!"

Johnson's actions, since gaining the speaker's gavel, confuses people because his actions contradict the conservative Christian image he painted for himself. In fact, Green is bewildered by Johnson's recent actions. She said, "We don't know who Mike Johnson is anymore... What do they have on him?" She suspects that Speaker Johnson is being blackmailed into advancing the Democrat's satanic agenda.

Moreover, Johnson's anti-Christian actions may baffle some Republicans. That's because they don't know that the deep state is a satanic organization; an organization that promotes unprincipled people that can be bribed with money and/or blackmailed.

To put things into perspective, western governments have been taken over by a satanic cult made up of bankers, financiers, business leaders, and secret societies that work in secret; behind closed doors. They are all communists, and for the record, communism is simply mass slavery. Communism is the enslavement of the general population to the ruling class. Under communism, the entire population is forced to work for the ruling class; providing them with the wealth and lifestyle of kings, while the working class is forced to live off of crumbs from their tables.

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However, the communists that control America are not like the atheistic communists that ruled Russia for most of the 20th century. The rulers of America are wealthy satanists, and our so-called representatives are their servants. In fact, satanic bankers bought most of Congress with money they stole from working class Americans through income taxes, inflation, interest, and out of control government spending.

Moreover, the same satanic banking families that financed Hitler's Third Reich, with money they stole from Americans by crashing the stock market in 1929, are the same banksters that are using our tax money today to buy newly elected representatives and reelect their old satanic servants. Today, the global satanic cult owns most of Congress through bribes and sexual favors. President Kennedy, in his speech to the press in 1961, warned that communists expanded their power through covert means, or bribes and sexual favors.

In fact, deep state operatives, like Jeffrey Epstein and the Washington madam, supplied government officials with illicit sex (under age and same sex), recorded it, and then used the recording to blackmail them with. That's why the FBI rushed to Epstein's private island and took all of his computers and videos. The FBI knew what Epstein was doing because Epstein was a deep state operative just like the leaders of the FBI are.

It's all about gaining incriminating information on powerful people, and then using that information to blackmail them with. Speaker Johnson may be the victim of blackmail. However, true Christians do not turn their backs on their own religious principles overnight--like Speaker Johnson has. If Johnson is the victim of blackmail, then he couldn't possibly be the conservative Christian that everybody has been led to believe he is.

I don't believe Johnson was ever the conservative Christian that he led those around him to believe. I don't believe it because, right after gaining the speaker's gavel, he started meeting with Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries and advancing the Democrat's satanic agenda. Moreover, a real Christian would never support or fund such evil things as useless wars, killing other Christians, the sexual mutilation of children, abortion, or the teaching of gender dysphoria to children--like Johnson has.

I believe Speaker Johnson is more than likely one of the deep state's sleeper agents. A sleeper agent can be defined as: “An enemy agent that infiltrates an unsuspecting government or organization, pretends to be a colleague or ally, but when a position of power is attained, does everything within their power to destroy the government or organization.

In other words, deep state sleeper agents pretend to be on the moral, conservative side. However, when they attain a position of power, they promote the opposite of everything they professed to be--like Johnson is doing. In reality, the Republicans that voted to fund the Democrats' unprincipled and immoral activities are no different than their evil, satanic friends on the opposite side of the aisle.

The fact that there's always just enough Republicans, that switch sides and vote with Democrats, to keep advancing the evil, global satanic agenda, is proof that both political parties work for the same evil, satanic cult. As a matter of fact, sex scandals plagued Washington from the Franklin call boy's scandal, and the D.C. Madame scandal, to the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal. And like Jeffrey Epstein, the D.C. Madame, Deborah Jean Palfrey, was found dead. Her death was ruled a suicide just like Epstein's.

In addition, the majority of Congress has been compromised through bribes and/or blackmail. That's why our so-called representatives keep sending our tax money to Ukraine against the will of 70% of the American people. That's also why so-called conservative Christian Representatives, keep funding abortion clinics, open borders, and the child transsexual agenda. They don't represent us, and they don't care what the American people want. They sold us out to wealthy satanic banksters a long time ago.

And for the record, the same wealthy satanic banksters, that own Congress and the current administration, also own the Mexican government, and the criminal cartels engaged in human and drug trafficking in the United States. These criminal cartels provide members of the U.S. government with illicit sex, often with underage boys and girls. In return, the satanic rulers of America keep the U.S.- Mexican border open to human and drug trafficking. Each side scratches the other's back!

Finally, if Johnson isn't being blackmailed, then he's just another deep state sleeper that masquerades as an honest principled representative. Either way, Johnson isn't trying to save the Republic as he claimed on Gowdy's deceitful show because he has repeatedly sided with enemies of the republic--the satanic Democrats. Marjorie Taylor Green is trying to save the Republic, but she's outnumbered by satanists on both sides of the aisle. Green stands up for her Christian principles, and Johnson abandoned his. The only way to save the republic is to fire all the Mike Johnsons in Congress and elect more Marjorie Taylor Greens.

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Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.

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Another Deep State Sleeper

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By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--April 11, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Some Republicans are criticizing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.) because she filed a motion to oust Speaker Mike Johnson after he rammed the Democrat's spending spree through Congress. Former Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, who helped Democrats keep the phony Russian collusion investigation going, nowa Fox News propagandist, had Johnson on his show Sunday night.

Gowdy started out defending Johnson by declaring that the speaker's job is so hard, difficult, and unrewarding, and that nobody appreciates what the speaker has to do. He went on to lament that Johnson never put his name in for the job; that he was chosen. Once Johnson came on, he said that Green's motion to vacate is "a distraction from the mission to save the republic". Gowdy never asked Johnson any questions like this:

Last week, Rep. Green told Tucker Carlson that Mike Johnson, who claims to be a pro-life Christian, funded full term abortion clinics, and the child transsexual agenda. She said that the funding for both were included in the recently passed Democrat spending bill that Johnson rammed through Congress. Green went on to say that Johnson also supports sending another $60 billion dollars to Ukraine against the will of 70% of the American people.

Tucker Carlson added, "Mike Johnson has talked a lot about his faith as a Christian, and it informs all of his decisions. So with that in mind, here he is funding a government in Ukraine that's putting priests in jail, banning a Christian denomination and sending the army in to close churches." Tucker added, "So how can a Christian be in favor of using U.S. tax dollars to kill and imprison other Christians? I don't understand that!"

Johnson's actions, since gaining the speaker's gavel, confuses people because his actions contradict the conservative Christian image he painted for himself. In fact, Green is bewildered by Johnson's recent actions. She said, "We don't know who Mike Johnson is anymore... What do they have on........

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