By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--March 28, 2024

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As Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said, “Here we are again. The swamp is back.” I have to agree because Mike Johnson and all the Republicans that voted for the Democrat's spending spree were not concerned about the welfare of the American people. They were only concerned about advancing the globalist agenda--just like the Democrats are. In fact, the passage of the Democrats' spending bill clearly demonstrates that Republicans represent the same global Marxists that Democrats represent. They work together to advance to the global socialist agenda.

Moreover, NO responsible representative would have voted for such an irresponsible spending bill. The bill was packed with over 1,000 pages of pork and funding for foreign governments. Reutersand other fake news media claim the spending bill didn't include any funds for Ukraine; however, that statement is entirely false. According to Defense News, "The bill retains $300 million for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative".

Furthermore, while Mexico and other third world countries around the globe dump their criminals and mentally ill on the United States, it's business as usual in Washington. While we are being invaded by criminals, terrorists, spies, child sex traffickers, and drug runners, Washington politicians are busy crafting "bipartisan spending bills" that send our hard earned money to their friends overseas.

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At this point, I have to say that it's to the advantage of the traitors in Congress to send our hard earned money to their foreign friends. That's because a good portion of the money they steal from working class Americans, and give to their foreign friends, will be laundered through the global banking cartel, (the Swiss Bankers that laundered the money that Nazis stole from German Jews), and given back to them through lavish gifts, bribes, and campaign donations.

All of the above leads to the conclusion that the people we elected to represent us in Washington actually represent their globalist benefactors. That's the only way to explain why our so-called representatives don't care about constitutional law or justice. In fact, Washington politicians have repeatedly ignored the fact that the Obama and Biden regimes both violated constitutional law by ordering immigration agencies to ignore existing immigration laws.

For the record, the executive branch of government (the presidency) does not have the power to change, alter, or negate any law passed by Congress, and that includes immigration laws. Only Congress has the power to make, alter or change laws. And only the Supreme Court has the power to negate laws, but only if they violate the Constitution. That means the Biden and Obama regime assumed the power of a dictatorship by ordering federal agencies to ignore existing immigration laws. Both regime's orders, to ignore existing immigration laws, were unconstitutional and criminal in their intent.

In addition, the leaders of the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol all violated constitutional law by carrying out the Biden regimes unlawful order to ignore U.S. immigration laws and allow illegal immigrants to invade the United States. So why didn't Congress use their constitutional power to stop the invasion?

To put Congresses dereliction of duty (refusal to uphold constitutional law) into perspective, Congress has the power to enforce federal laws, and they have the power to impeach violators; to remove them from office, and even prosecute them. That means Congress has the power to fire every federal agency leader that violated immigration laws. Congress also has the power to appoint officials that will enforce constitutional laws, but they refused to use their constitutional powers to preserve the Constitution and the Republic.

Moreover, Congress hasn't used their power to restore constitutional law and order because most of Congress is made up of socialist traitors. They masquerade as representatives of the American people, but in reality, they represent themselves and the globalists that keep them in power. They represent the globalist (Marxist) bankers and corporations that shower them with campaign donations and bribes.

Sadly, while our country is being invaded by our enemies, Washington politicians are busy robbing us of our wealth by devaluing our currency through inflation brought about by their own reckless and irresponsible spending.

It's more important to Congress to keep fleecing the American people of their wealth than it is to protect us from invasion by our enemies. Congresses priorities reflect the fact that they don't give a damn about the American people.

Furthermore, Congress hasn't spent one dime on homelessness in America while earmarking $1 million dollars to renovate the William Way LGBT Community Center in Philadelphia at the request of both of Pennsylvania’s Democratic U.S. senators..." The current spending bill makes it clear that providing funds to the homosexual lobby is more important to Congress than helping homeless and starving Americans.

As a matter of fact, the current spending bill allocated $368,000 dollars to finance a podcast hosted by a Democratic candidate running for city council in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, at the request of Democrat John Fetterman. It also included over $9 million dollars to fund projects that the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein requested. It also includes $1 million dollars, that Chuck Schumer requested, to build a new environmental justice center in New York City.

For the record, the citizens of states outside of California should not be taxed to pay for Feinstein's projects in California. By the same token, the citizens of other states should not have to pay for the Democrats' personal projects in Pennsylvania, or Schumer's personal projects in New York City. Why are the citizens of Georgia, Florida, and other states taxed to pay for Democrat projects in Pennsylvania, New York and California? It's because the politicians in Washington made us their slaves by taxing the fruits of our labor.

The 1913 Democrat controlled Congress set themselves up as our masters, entitling themselves to a percentage of the fruits of our labor through income taxes, by passing the Federal Reserve Act and then falsifying the passage of the 16th Amendment. We are forced, under the threat of fines and imprisonment, to give the deep state a percentage of our earnings; however, we have no say in how the deep state spends the earnings they forcibly take from us. That's a from of slavery!

It's slavery because we have no choice but to give the deep state a percentage of the money we work for. It's slavery because we have no say in how Congress spends the money they take from us. They can send our hard earned money to foreign governments and fund foreign wars without our consent. That means the American people are nothing more than the slaves of the ruling class in Washington. They don't serve us! We serve them, and they serve their globalist masters--like Mike Johnson does.

Finally, Mike Johnson has been described as a family man and a conservative Christian; however, he doesn't come close to matching my idea of a conservative Christian. There's the Christian brand, that most politicians like Mike Johnson and Joe Biden claim to be, and there's the Christian faith that opposes most everything that Johnson and Biden do. Johnson may claim to be a conservative Christian, but his actions contradict that claim. Democrats still control the House because RINOs, like Mike Johnson, are not what we have been led to believe they are.

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Charles Wills is a retired Engineer.
Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching
world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially
textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the
wealth of information hidden in them.

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Democrats still control the House through RINOs like Speaker Mike Johnson

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By Charles Wills ——Bio and Archives--March 28, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

As Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said, “Here we are again. The swamp is back.” I have to agree because Mike Johnson and all the Republicans that voted for the Democrat's spending spree were not concerned about the welfare of the American people. They were only concerned about advancing the globalist agenda--just like the Democrats are. In fact, the passage of the Democrats' spending bill clearly demonstrates that Republicans represent the same global Marxists that Democrats represent. They work together to advance to the global socialist agenda.

Moreover, NO responsible representative would have voted for such an irresponsible spending bill. The bill was packed with over 1,000 pages of pork and funding for foreign governments. Reutersand other fake news media claim the spending bill didn't include any funds for Ukraine; however, that statement is entirely false. According to Defense News, "The bill retains $300 million for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative".

Furthermore, while Mexico and other third world countries around the globe dump their criminals and mentally ill on the United States, it's business as usual in Washington. While we are being invaded by criminals, terrorists, spies, child sex traffickers, and drug runners, Washington politicians are busy crafting "bipartisan spending bills" that send our hard earned money to their friends overseas.

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At this point, I have to say that it's to the advantage of the traitors in Congress to send our hard earned money to their foreign friends. That's because a good portion of the money they steal from working class Americans, and give to their foreign friends, will be laundered through the global banking cartel, (the Swiss Bankers that laundered the money that Nazis stole from German Jews), and given back to them through lavish gifts, bribes, and campaign donations.

All of the above leads to the conclusion that the people we elected to represent us in Washington........

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