By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--January 22, 2024

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Big-talking WEF bully Klaus Schwab, unelected leader of the globalist elite who openly brags to world masses that they will end up owning nothing but be happy, is running scared from a coming 2024 Donald Trump presidential win.

Poor slob Schwab has suffered a great fall.

Not all the king’s horses, not all the King’s men can put the Humpty Dumpty of Davos (HDOD) back together again.

From the most unlikely of places—last week’s caviar and cocktail-drenched Davos Save-The-World-By-Killing-It gathering, it was plain to see that not even the witches and demons who frequent these annual slave-making parties can save HDOD.

The Donald’s keeping WEF’er Schwab up nights. He’s now living in fear, and will next be biting his own fingernails.

Bullies always scamper away when confronted by Truth. That’s what former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev did when walking off the stage the day a courageous Greek monk held up a Cross, shouting three times in succession: “Christ has risen!”, back in May, 1990. (Canada Free Press, Nov. 5, 2008)

“Klaus Schwab Got Up and Walked Out of Room During Argentina President Milei's Speech at Davos Attacking Globalist Power-Hungry Elites.” (Gateway Pundit, Jan. 21, 2024.)

Back to Schwab cutting and running from MAGA’S 2024 President Donald Trump:

‘WEF leaders pressed on how they will 'Trump-proof their economies' if he wins election’-headline (Fox News, Jan 19, 2024)

“The very real possibility of Donald Trump’s reelection” is the Truth Serum making Schwab gag.

"I think we are talking too much about Donald Trump in Europe, and we should prepare ourselves for a possible second term for Donald Trump by fostering our European competitiveness," Lindner said. "Doing our homework is the best preparation for a possible second term of Donald Trump, and this includes our capabilities to defend ourselves.”

“A transition for the European economy toward becoming a "greener economy” became gangrene green mouldy over time.

Like the Chieftess Puttany, who conducted a Shamanic ritual at the Davos gathering last week, Schwab and his WEF’ers believe that ‘to look to the future we must look back and see what the wishes of our ancestors were.’

Our ancestors are no longer here, but world populations are very much here and now

“As part of a plenary session on Wednesday titled “Climate and Nature: A Systemic Response Is Needed,” Chieftess Putanny Yawanawá of the Amazonian Yawanawá tribe, located in the Acre region of northwest Brazil, performed a shamanic rite. (Catholic News Agency, Jan. 18, 2024)

The dose of reality President Javier Milei of Argentina took to the World Economic Forum, was too much for Schwab, who walked away from his own arena.

“The libertarian leader delivered a blistering critique of socialism and a fervent endorsement of capitalist principles before a crowd of the world’s most influential political and economic figures.

Milei, having been introduced by Klaus Schwab himself, then proceeded to confront the elites with his fiery speech.

The 53-year-old president did not hold back in his rebuke of the West’s slide toward collectivism — a political theory associated with communism. (Gateway Pundit, Jan. 17, 2024)

He lambasted Western leaders for abandoning the principles of freedom and succumbing to various forms of collectivism, including state interventionism, radical feminism, abortion, social justice movements, and population control.

“The leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism. Collectivist experiments are never the solution to the problems that afflict the citizens of the world rather they are the root cause.”

Not long ago giddy with power, cocaine and caviar WEF’ER’s are now giddy with fear.

Downright laughable that they now turn to clownish former British PM Boris Johnson, now a largely ignored Daily Mail columnist to bail them out.(Politico, Jan. 19, 2024

And his turn is coming for fresh-back-from-Davos Alex (son of George) Soros who Tweeted out, yesterday.

The tossed-up world has become a brighter place now that the Humpty Dumpty of Davos has suffered a great fall, from which there is no coming back.

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‘Humpty Dumpty of Davos’ Klaus Schwab Terrified of 2024 Trump

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By Judi McLeod ——Bio and Archives--January 22, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

Big-talking WEF bully Klaus Schwab, unelected leader of the globalist elite who openly brags to world masses that they will end up owning nothing but be happy, is running scared from a coming 2024 Donald Trump presidential win.

Poor slob Schwab has suffered a great fall.

Not all the king’s horses, not all the King’s men can put the Humpty Dumpty of Davos (HDOD) back together again.

From the most unlikely of places—last week’s caviar and cocktail-drenched Davos Save-The-World-By-Killing-It gathering, it was plain to see that not even the witches and demons who frequent these annual slave-making parties can save HDOD.

The Donald’s keeping WEF’er Schwab up nights. He’s now living in fear, and will next be biting his own fingernails.

Bullies always scamper away when confronted by Truth. That’s what former Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev did when walking off the stage the day a courageous Greek monk held up a Cross, shouting three times in succession: “Christ has risen!”, back in May, 1990. (Canada Free Press, Nov. 5, 2008)

“Klaus Schwab Got Up........

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