By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--March 2, 2024

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I have said numerous times in other articles that the Democrat Party is no longer a political party. They are a criminal organization—a crime organization like no other. They have the reigns of government and are not about to let them go, legally or otherwise. They want power and money, and little else matters.

They have made a contract with evil, elites who planned our demise in smoke-filled rooms and who want our subservience, to kneel before them. These last few years have seen an assault on freedom and civil rights unlike anything we have ever found in Western civilization. Those of us who are left alive after the manufactured plagues, re-emergent diseases, poisonous vaccines, the coming food shortages, crime, war, and economic chaos will have the 'privilege' of serving them.

The Democrat Party is an operative of the New World Order. They've sold us out, standing by and doing nothing to help Americans living on the streets while taking in the outrageously high levels of crime. They're outsourcing our nation to China as the politicians and corporatists cash their checks. They defend Ukraine, their money laundromat, provoking Russia until the bear eventually lashes out.

Their outrageous spending, like that of drunken sailors, accomplishes nothing. Our food supply is under attack. Much of our meat is imported, repackaged, and called 'Product of USA' harming domestic producers. Our culture has been pushed to accept sexual depravity, and child gender confusion that the medical profession has decided to take seriously, further confounding the child's confused perception of the validity of their fleeting emotions.

As Sun Tzu would advise, China is attacking America from within, defeating America without a shot, at least so far. We are purposely being destroyed by traitors within, squeezing Americans out of any expectation of a decent life commensurate with their hard work, lying with every movement of their lips.

Donald Trump is in their way and must be dealt with most severely while Biden continues to collect millions from China and anyone else willing to pay.

It was the Democrat Party that fought for slavery, did the lynching, and blocked anti-lynching legislation into the 20th century. It was Democrats that prevented Blacks from voting, dining in nice restaurants, and drinking water from the same fountain as Whites. They even tried to prevent women from voting. It goes on and on. And just as we reached a zenith in race relations in the early 2000s, Obama comes along and stirs up the race card, racism in reverse, dividing people, dividing a nation, laughing all the way. Those Obama supporters, the many who were highly educated, looked at themselves with the gratification of believing they have a superior sense of morality, all the while helping lay the foundation for their demise.

To Democrats, Americans are an afterthought. Biden's latest trip to the border is not to be interpreted as any care for the people who are suffering the consequences of letting in millions of unvetted illegal immigrants. You can only interpret it as desperation in an election year.

Every Trump policy that was working effectively prior to their government takeover was scrapped. The height of political self-destruction. They have lied about everything that is important to every American, our security, our elections, the southern border, the economy, crime, our future, and that of our children.

Listening to Mayorkas lie about the security of our borders is maddening. He lies to your face without blinking. He is the personification of this government.

They LIED about our elections and accuse Trump of insurrection for trying to get redress for an obvious fraudulent election. The blatant gall. The real criminals are occupying the White House. The Democrats committed the most blatant insurrection in US history. But, it doesn't matter to Democrats who say they are trying to save democracy. Oh, the irony.

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Democrat Party, Inc.

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By Ray DiLorenzo ——Bio and Archives--March 2, 2024

Cover Story | CFP Comments | Reader Friendly | Subscribe | Email Us

I have said numerous times in other articles that the Democrat Party is no longer a political party. They are a criminal organization—a crime organization like no other. They have the reigns of government and are not about to let them go, legally or otherwise. They want power and money, and little else matters.

They have made a contract with evil, elites who planned our demise in smoke-filled rooms and who want our subservience, to kneel before them. These last few years have seen an assault on freedom and civil rights unlike anything we have ever found in Western civilization. Those of us who are left alive after the manufactured plagues, re-emergent diseases, poisonous vaccines, the coming food shortages, crime, war, and economic chaos will have the 'privilege' of serving them.

The Democrat Party is an operative of the New World Order. They've sold us out, standing by and doing nothing to help Americans living on the streets while taking in the........

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