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Bulldozers raze communal structures in Kibbutz Be’eri damaged in October 7 attack

Ruins of art gallery, sewing workshop, old dining hall among those cleared out in advance of reconstruction, after earlier phase dealt with damaged...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Iran’s Guard head vows revenge for Syria strike: Israel will ‘pay for the bloodshed’

Jerusalem ‘must wait for a response,’ Hossein Salami threatens after Iranian military adviser killed in alleged Israeli airstrike in Aleppo is...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Shots fired near US embassy in Beirut, no staff hurt

Local media report firefight for almost half an hour before Lebanese army shoots gunman; wounded assailant said to be Syrian national


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Slovenia becomes latest European nation to recognize Palestinian state

Slovenian parliament approves recognition week after Spain, Ireland and Norway did so; opposition leader says move ’causes long term damage to...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Daily Briefing June 5: Day 243 – Can Biden push Israel and Hamas to a hostage deal?

Diplomatic correspondent Lazar Berman and political reporter Sam Sokol discuss the machinations behind the deal, from negotiations in Qatar to...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

US airlines set to resume Israel flights after pauses due to October 7, Iran attack

United, Delta to start flying to New York daily this week after temporary halts in service; American Airlines routes still paused; Air Canada...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Columbia agrees to offer safety escorts in settlement with Jewish student

Law firm representing plaintiff says deal will restore ‘basic, shared principles of safety’ at university, after ‘extreme protesters’ moved to...


The Times of Israel


Rights group: Israel using white phosphorus on residential buildings in Lebanon

Human Rights Watch says there is no evidence of burn injuries caused by substance but claims civilians reported breathing troubles


The Times of Israel


Why Israel needs the hostage-ceasefire deal, and must be wary if Sinwar takes it

Political and security chiefs recognize the urgency of saving the hostages, and the wider potential of a deal, but Hamas’s monstrous leader is bent...


The Times of Israel

David Horovitz

Suing Meta, engineer claims he was fired over handling of Gaza content

Ferras Hamad alleges he was terminated because he fixed a bug that was causing the suppression of pro-Palestinian posts


The Times of Israel


KKL-JNF moves from massive planting to target-driven, sustainable management

Policy is ‘to ask not where we can plant, but if there is a reason to plant,’ says former official, as 103-year-old organization adapts to...


The Times of Israel

Sue Surkes

Otzma Yehudit halts coalition support, accuses PM of hiding details of hostage deal

Ben Gvir has expressed concern that the deal will end the war with Hamas still in power; Netanyahu has insisted this will not happen


The Times of Israel

Sam Sokol

Why Mexico’s center-right Jewish community didn’t vote for its first Jewish president

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who won the election this week, inherits a country split by her predecessor’s regime – with Jews sitting on the other...


The Times of Israel

Ariela Lopez

German far-right candidate wounded in stabbing amid series of political attacks

The incident, which reportedly began when the AfD member caught someone tearing down a campaign poster, comes amid a wave of attacks on both...


The Times of Israel

Kirsten Grieshaber

(POGLED) Esmeralda, ki je spregledala: Kdo se boji liberalno osvobojenega Davida Klobase?

S predvolilno shizmo je David Klobasa morda postal obraz tistih, ki stranko dojemajo kot inštitucijo, zgrajeno na tradicionalnih vrednotah, ne pa...



Denis Bende Živčec

(POGLED) Kolumna Jeffreya Sachsa: Vrh o prihodnosti Združenih narodov

Geopolitika se je znašla na razpotju. Se bo svet povezal, da se bo lahko soočil s skupnimi izzivi, ali pa se bo razdelil na konkurenčne bloke...



Jeffrey Sachs

The Ukraine War Threatens Russia’s Regional Influence

OXFORD – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s vision of restoring Russia to its rightful place as a global power has long rested on dominating the...


Project Syndicate

Galip Dalay

Productive U.S.-China dialogue can prevent clashes


Nikkei Asian Review

Nikkei Editorial

Inexplicable investments: Elbit Systems and Australia’s Future Fund


Middle East Monitor

Dr Binoy Kampmark

Regev claims government doing ‘amazing things’: ‘So many people in hotels’ we funded

Minister ridiculed for saying Israelis should ‘thank God’ the state funds the hotel stays of those displaced by war, boasting about planned train...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Jordan makes biggest bust of ‘ISIS drug’ in years on border with Saudi Arabia

Authorities in the Hashemite Kingdom find millions of captagon pills hidden in construction vehicles at the end of a weeks-long operation


The Times of Israel


Ecuador: Aymesa y Kia invertirán US$ 62 millones para fabricar cinco modelos de vehículos hasta 2026

La industria automotriz ecuatoriana se mueve y anuncia nuevas inversiones y modelos para ensamblar hasta 2026. Esto, después de una reunión entre...


América Economía

América Economía

Filial colombiana del BBVA presenta primer bono de biodiversidad en el mundo con monto de US$ 50 millones

Este martes BBVA Colombia y la Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC, por sus siglas en inglés), del Banco Mundial, anunciaron el lanzamiento...


América Economía

América Economía

The song and dance of the Tzofim Friendship Caravan returns to the US

Teen Israeli scouts to spend more than two months putting on 160 shows in America for Jewish and non-Jewish communities; due to security concerns,...


The Times of Israel

Gavriel Fiske

Divisions among world's powerful nations undermining U.N. efforts to end crises

Deep divisions especially among the world’s most powerful nations have significantly undermined what the United Nations can do to help nations...


Japan Today

Japan Today

Goodbye, spring

As I sit by my little green terrace at home, nestled not far from Mount Nam in Seoul, it feels like the beautifully colored roses are slowly...


The Korea Times

Shin Hye-Suk

Nacionalni interes

Ko se je Slovenija osamosvojila, je bil cilj jasen. Čas je bil, da se uresničijo tisočletne sanje naših prednikov. Naenkrat je nemogoče postalo...



Stefano Lusa

PM criticized for snubbing Kiryat Shmona mayor during city tour, meeting Likud candidate

Mayor and Likud member Avichai Stern, who has been critical of PM’s wartime conduct, blames premier’s behavior on ‘petty politics’


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

US lawmakers claim to Wall Street Journal Biden showing signs of cognitive decline

Journal speaks to dozens of sources who say they have noticed president does not always seem focused; Republicans more critical than Democrats, who...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Syrian man opens fire on US embassy in Beirut ‘in support of Gaza’

Lebanese forces shoot and seriously wound the attacker; one local worker at the mission lightly wounded by gunfire


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

UN atomic agency passes resolution demanding Iranian cooperation on nuclear program

IAEA urges Iranians to reverse decision barring several expert monitors, comply with 2023 statement intended to resolve issues about nuclear program


The Times of Israel


11 hurt, one critically, in Hezbollah drone attack on northern town

No sirens sound as at least two projectiles hit Hurfeish, several kilometers from Lebanon border; Hezbollah claims to target military position


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

German software giant SAP inks deal to buy Israel’s WalkMe for $1.5 billion

SAP says acquiring platform will complement its business management portfolio and help customers in the digital transformation of their business...


The Times of Israel

Sharon Wrobel

On complex world stage in Paris, Israel’s Olympians hope to stay focused on sport

Despite security threats and concerns over provocations, Israeli officials say goal is to bring home 4-5 medals at 2024 games, upping state grant...


The Times of Israel

Amy Spiro

India’s Modi seals third term, but sees his Hindu nationalist party lose majority

Populist leader’s hopes for a sweeping victory is dented by stronger than expected showing by opposition, amid his mixed economic record and...


The Times of Israel

Krutika Pathi

China lideró el gasto turístico en 2023, superando los US$ 196.000 millones

China volvió a recuperar la primera posición como el país que más gastó en turismo internacional en 2023, gracias al restablecimiento de los...


América Economía

América Economía

El retail en la Argentina de Milei: un shock que debilita el consumo, pero facilita inversiones a largo plazo

Cierres de locales, salidas de multinacionales y cambios en los modelos de negocio son algunos de los fenómenos que han marcado al sector del...


América Economía

América Economía

How Israel worked to renew Gaza’s water supply amid the war, with help from locals

Despite ministers’ early bravado and international accusations, Jerusalem went to great lengths to fix enclave’s ‘screwed-up’ infrastructure...


The Times of Israel

Aviv Lavie

99% de exportaciones chilenas sin aranceles en el nuevo Acuerdo Marco con la UE

En la comisión de Relaciones Exteriores de la Cámara continua la discusión del Acuerdo Marco Avanzado con la Unión Europea (UE). En la instancia,...


América Economía

América Economía

Inflación en Venezuela disminuyó nueve puntos en mayo, alcanzando el 78% interanual

La inflación en Venezuela cayó 9 puntos porcentuales en mayo respecto a abril, hasta situarse en el 78% interanual, mientras que ha escalado en...


América Economía

América Economía

Gobierno argentino asegura que la economía muestra signos claros de recuperación

El ministro de Economía de Argentina, Luis Caputo, ha remarcado que "lo peor" ya ha pasado, y el país se encuentra en "franca recuperación"...


América Economía

América Economía

Can Pets Teach Us Unconditional Love?

Research shows furry family members can help make up for what we didn't have.


Psychology Today

Kaytee Gillis

The Influence of Confirmation Bias in Parenting

Enhancing awareness for better parent-child relationships.


Psychology Today

Jessica Koehler Ph.d

Why Resisting Our Feelings Makes Us Feel Worse

How the trap of avoidance can grow.


Psychology Today

Stephanie Cox Ms

Your Intuition Is Real and Research Shows How to Access It

Neuroscience suggests we should use intuition. Even the military researches it.


Psychology Today

Emma Seppälä Ph.d

Are Mr. Nice Guy’s Thoughts Your Thoughts?

Attacking negative thought patterns benefits survivors of difficult childhoods.


Psychology Today

Glenn R. Schiraldi Ph.d

How Your Anxiety Lies to You

Changing the distorted thoughts that perfectionists have.


Psychology Today

Leon Garber Lmhc

How to Deal With Intensive Parenting

Personal Perspective: Here are a couple of ideas to reduce parents' workload.


Psychology Today

Corinne Masur Psy.d

6 Ways You May Be Misguiding Your Teen

What teens need for lifelong success.


Psychology Today

Lynn Margolies Ph.d

The Problem With Purpose

Following your passion doesn’t always pay.


Psychology Today

Tara Ceranic Salinas
