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‘Falling for Hamas tactics’: Hagari slams world media coverage of strike on UN school

IDF publishes names of nine terrorists killed in airstrike on school, stressing that it sought to avoid civilians in hit that reportedly killed 33...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

Industria automotriz de Ecuador traza estrategias para afrontar cese de ensamblaje de General Motors

La anunciada salida del mercado ecuatoriano de la ensambladora GM OBB de General Motors, que funciona en Quito y que cesará sus operaciones a...


América Economía

América Economía

Is a Summer Fling Good for Your Health?

It might depend on how good the sex is.


Psychology Today

Lindsay Weisner Psy.d

Discomfort with the dollar hasn't gotten much beyond grumbling


Nikkei Asian Review

Henny Sender

Gantz expected to bolt coalition Saturday night, as he comes under pressure to stay

National Unity chair’s ultimatum expires June 8; US said to urge him to remain as hostage deal efforts ongoing; in plea, mother warns leaving...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Israel rejects Security Council resolution in support of its own hostage deal offer

Erdan opposes changes to wording in US initiative; pushback sure to irk Washington but unlikely to impact outcome given that Israel not a member of...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Why Malaysia’s big chip dreams hang in the US-China balance

Malaysia really wants semiconductor investments. But what happens when one of your biggest partners starts pressuring you to pick a side?


South China Morning Post

Joseph Sipalan

Netanyahu set to address joint session of Congress on July 27 — sources

Hamas response to hostage deal offer expected in days * Israel comes out against Security Council resolution being pushed by US that expresses...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Best offense is good self-defense: Fighting antisemitism gets physical at Jewish confab

Emigration projections and gun permit discussions are at the center of an international event held in the Netherlands under the shadow of...


The Times of Israel

Canaan Lidor

Barrick Gold, minera canadiense evalúa exploración de cinco proyectos en Perú

El ministro de Energía y Minas de Perú, Rómulo Mucho, informó hoy que la empresa Barrick Gold Corporation (de capitales canadienses) contempla...


América Economía

América Economía

Analysis finds flaws in Hamas data, drop in rate of Gazan women, children killed

Such reported deaths were 64% in October, but fell to 38% in April; Hamas-run health ministry still claims most deaths are women and kids,...


The Times of Israel

Michael Horovitz

Jewish extremists clash with Palestinians, burn fields in West Bank town

Palestinians throw rocks at troops who arrive on scene to disperse rioters, with 2 injured as soldiers return fire; Hadash-Ta’al MK calls incident...


The Times of Israel

Michael Horovitz

Relatives of US hostages lament apathy to their plight among American public

Families say deal ‘with the devil’ only way to free their loved ones, note stark difference between warm embrace of US officials and ‘lack of...


The Times of Israel

Gavriel Fiske

The Biggest Threat to Western Civilization


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Andy Blumenthal

A Conversation With a Baloon (Children’s Poetry)


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Shai Goldman

Fate By Numbers


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Mordechai Silverstein

Climbing the mountain to Shavuot


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Paula Jacobs

The ADL Dishonors Itself by Honoring Cory Booker and His Support for Iran


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Shmuley Boteach

The Unexplainable Hatred


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Ac Britell

Scoop: New College Exam To Promote Anti-Israel Protests


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Gary Rosenblatt

India’s General Election: Inequality, Religious Discrimination Have Invited Criticism

Editorial 15:35 JST, June 6, 2024 The ruling coalition led by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi unexpectedly faced an uphill battle in a...


The Japan News

The Japan News Editorial

Why Is It So Hard to Talk With Someone Who Is Grieving?

Five tips to help you and your child through this inevitable grieving.


Psychology Today

Elena Lister

Can You Be a Hero?

Heroes are made, not born.


Psychology Today

Arthur Dobrin D.s.w

Why China wants South Korea to stay open

Beijing has good reason to push Seoul to keep its doors open. The motivations are driven less by a belief in free trade and more about the emerging...


The Japan Times

Tim Culpan

International assistance to Afghanistan needs to adapt to the ‘new normal’

Trucks painted bright blue, yellow, and purple dot the arid emptiness of Spin Boldak in southern Afghanistan. Their roofs are laden with the...


Al Jazeera

Alexander Matheou

Ko vreme dela težave, se dojemanje vremena spremeni

Večina ljudi, ki živi v mestih ali pa dela po raznih službah, za vreme ni tako dovzetna oziroma se jih ne dotakneta denimo suša ali dolgotrajen...



Andrej Velkavrh

Bitka pri Petrolu

Državno lastništvo podjetij je lahko pozitivno z vidika strateških interesov države, vendar pa zaradi vpletanja zasebnih interesov vladajočih...



Jože P. Damijan

Sudan crisis: Fears of potential genocide growing

Violence in Sudan is escalating, with millions of people facing displacement and hundreds killed and injured. But the warring parties and their...


Deutsche Welle

Kersten Knipp

Latin American anger grows over China's economic clout

China's growing influence appears to have some drawbacks in Latin America. Beijing has targeted countries such as Guatemala and outraged retailers...


Deutsche Welle

Tobias Käufer

As International Justice Fails, Solidarity Must Prevail

From Gaza to Myanmar, the current constellations of geopolitics pose one of the most significant barriers to justice.


The Diplomat

Dustin Barter And Leen Fouad

Modi’s Re-election: A Chance to Revitalize Afghanistan-India Relations

These days, Afghan democrats need a champion, and India, under Modi’s leadership, could be that champion – if New Delhi can correct course on...


The Diplomat

Sadiq Amini

Far-left US pundit who rolled eyes at hostage’s sister axed by The Hill

Briahna Joy Gray, who has denied Oct. 7 rape claims, was responding after interviewee told her to ‘believe women’; says firing part of...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Biden: PM heeded warning against major Rafah offensive, scaling down IDF ops there

US president stresses need for ceasefire in interview, as IDF presses assault in central and southern Gaza; army says troops found weapons in...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

The Power of Metaphor in OCD Treatment

Breaking the talk therapy taboo when treating obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Psychology Today

Michael Alcee Ph.d

What if You Are What You’ve Been Searching For?

Personal Perspective: We should stop looking outside ourselves for what we need.


Psychology Today

Nancy Colier Lcsw

Mexican Voters Chose Populism Over Democracy

MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s elections delivered numerous surprises but few certainties. Claudia Sheinbaum, a protégé of outgoing President Andrés...


Project Syndicate

Jorge G. Castañeda

A loaf of bread and the moaning of the Egyptians


Middle East Monitor

Ashraf Dawaba

Spivak, politics of pronunciation, and the search for a just democracy

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, the noted postcolonial scholar and global public intellectual, is perhaps best known for her piece, “Can the...


Al Jazeera

Ilan Kapoor

Death of Wolfowitz Doctrine and its Global War on Development. Part two

The US policy in Africa is centered on endless military intervention and bombing civilians and infrastructure (for instance, Somalia, Sudan, Libya,...


New Eastern Outlook

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Congreso peruano prohíbe retiros extraordinarios de los fondos de AFP

El Pleno del Congreso peruano prohibió el retiro total o parcial de los fondos acumulados en las cuentas individuales de aportes obligatorios por...


América Economía

América Economía

US military says pier in Gaza reconnected after repairs and aid will flow soon

CENTCOM says shipments will resume in days with goal of getting 1 million pounds of food and other supplies via sea route into the Strip every two...


The Times of Israel

Lolita C. Baldor

Good Grief: What Polly the Parakeet Taught Us About Loss

Learning to grieve is a life skill as necessary as learning to tie your shoe.


Psychology Today

Gina Vild

Are the Kids All Right?

NEW YORK – Why are so many young people attracted to far-right politics? Polls show that 36% of French people aged 18-24 support Marine Le...


Project Syndicate

Ian Buruma

German tennis player Zverev agrees to settle assault case

German tennis player Alexander Zverev has reached an out-of-court settlement with his ex-girlfriend in an assault case, with no admission of guilt...


Deutsche Welle

Jonathan Crane

(POGLED) Kolumna Vesne V. Godina: Zakaj niti levičarski politiki ne rušijo več obstoječih gospostvenih razmerij

Sašo Bizjak V nadaljevanju preberite: - Slovenski parlament in slovenska politika v razkrivanju tega, za kaj v parlamentarni demokraciji gre,...



Vesna V. Godina

AG implores PM to cease blocking state commission of inquiry into Gaza war

Baharav-Miara says immediately establishing such a panel will help fend off cases against Israel at ICJ, ICC; she also rejects alternative...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Daily Briefing June 7: Day 245 – PM to visit DC next month. Will Israel still be at war?

US bureau chief Jacob Magid on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu’s July 24 speech to Congress, Israel’s objections to a UN resolution on the...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

What Matters Now to archaeologist Jodi Magness: Ever-changing, eternal Jerusalem

To mark Jerusalem Day, we speak with the ‘Jerusalem Through the Ages’ author and learn about the archaeological record of the peoples who have...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Netanyahu to defend ‘just war’ in July 24 speech to joint session of Congress

Address to come a month later than initially planned, creating major questions regarding the kind of message PM will give as Israel awaits Hamas...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Baruch College student groups protest Hillel, in rally decried as antisemitic

Adding to growing trend, anti-Israel demonstrators, some wearing pro-terror symbols, accuse Jewish campus group of backing ‘genocide’


The Times of Israel

Luke Tress
