J.b. Shurk

J.b. Shurk

American Thinker

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Remembering D-Day’s Freedom Fighters

It is hard to believe that eighty years have passed since American, British, and Canadian troops landed at Normandy and fought their way across...

yesterday 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

In the Foxhole with Donald Trump

For me, the worst part about New York’s Soviet show trial was how it tormented President Trump’s supporters.  I kept an eye on numerous...

03.06.2024 60

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Marxist Globalism Will Not Survive

In the end, Marxist globalism will fail.  The Machiavellian push for One World Government will fail.  The World Economic Forum’s master plan for...

31.05.2024 70

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The West’s War on God

Perhaps the most startling quality of world leaders today is that they do not believe in much beyond their own wants and needs.  Many will feign a...

27.05.2024 80

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Tyranny by Any Other Name Still Stinks

Tyranny takes hold when good people are lulled into inaction.  Those of us who mind our own business and prefer government to leave us alone are...

24.05.2024 90

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Plausible Deniability Run Amok

What are the wages of rigged elections?  Invasion, inflation, taxation, and war.  But for a 2020 jiggering of state election procedures that...

21.05.2024 90

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Lessons from COVID Totalitarianism

The COVID police state revealed Western governments’ zeal for totalitarianism.  Forced masking, forced experimental injections, forced school and...

19.05.2024 90

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Mothers Make Patriots

Photo Credit:Image via Pexels. PexelsMy ancestors did not fasten my patriotic love of America inside my heart. My mother did.

12.05.2024 100

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Deep State Exposed Itself

Photo Credit:Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 (cropped). ...

09.05.2024 90

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Majoring in Jihad

Watching these pro-Hamas riots taking place on some of America’s most pampered and privileged college campuses feels a lot like ripping off a dirty...

05.05.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

America’s Jenga Tower of Power

A majority of Americans believe that mail-in ballot fraud tainted the 2020 election, but most state and federal officials continue to pretend the...

04.05.2024 100

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

And Who Are You?

Every once in a while, someone expresses to me the feeling that all is lost.  Politics and current events are a daily gut punch, and it is...

28.04.2024 20

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed

One of the more insidious features of Marxism’s manipulation of language is its stigmatization of opposing points of view as some form of mental...

25.04.2024 50

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

King Deep State Sits on a Stolen Throne

All hail King Deep State!  That is essentially what we have now, is it not?  An unelected, all-powerful, mercurial king — and certainly not a...

21.04.2024 80

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

When ‘Divide and Conquer’ Unites and Enrages

In two previous essays, I have discussed popular nullification in the context of the American people rejecting the State’s...

17.04.2024 40

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Robin Hood Effect

In a previous essay, I broached the topic of popular nullification in the context of rejecting the State’s propaganda.  Citizens are...

14.04.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Popular Nullification of the State’s Propaganda

Mass media technologies such as radio and television ushered in an era of State-engineered propaganda on a global scale.  Any lingering allegiance...

11.04.2024 60

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Ministry of BS Will See You Now

I wonder if there is ever a moment while DHS Secretary Mayorkas is claiming that America’s borders are entirely secure and blaming “climate...

09.04.2024 70

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Marxist Globalists Will Resort to Terror and Violence

It is important to understand that censorship does not occur in a vacuum.  It is a symptom of a worsening disease.  It is an early indicator of...

07.04.2024 90

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Season of Life

As the Christian world celebrates Resurrection Sunday, the Northern Hemisphere is springing with new life.  Buds on trees are visible, and baby...

31.03.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Globalism Thrives on Crisis

Globalists know that nothing drives public policy so much as the fear of impending death.  Nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles...

27.03.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

We Should Fight First for the Bill of Rights

Would you be willing to fight and die for multiculturalism?  Would you put your life on the line for “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity” (DIE);...

24.03.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Censorship Is a Dead-End Road

During oral arguments before the Supreme Court in Murthy v. Missouri — a dispute that Senator Rand Paul rightly calls “the most consequential...

21.03.2024 50

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Government Is Not Your Daddy

It’s no secret that many Democrat voters have “daddy” issues.  They grew up in homes without strong, loving fathers and desperately seek from...

17.03.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Our Fake, Fake, Fake World

Will our historical era be remembered as the “Age of Fakes”?  We have fake news, fake meat, fake elections, fake genders, fake vaccines, fake...

14.03.2024 90

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Central Banks and Domestic Spies

Central banks and espionage agencies are insidious threats to any free people.  The former manipulate the value of money, and the latter manipulate...

10.03.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Lessons for the Future Republic

Victor Davis Hanson and Dennis Prager are keen observers of American society.  Like honored physicians who examine the body politic for disease,...

08.03.2024 20

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Rural America Is a Threat to the Totalitarian Left

Last week Newt Gingrich tried to remind Americans how serious the threat of nuclear conflict remains.  In a sober essay, he warned that the United...

03.03.2024 40

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Benefits of Hardship

Sometimes hardship is the driving force for necessary change. One of the most valuable lessons experience has taught me is that initial victories can...

29.02.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

As Trust in Government Falls, Spiritual Faith Rises

There is so much latent energy beading up right beneath the surface of Western civilization.  Everybody can feel it.  Every day people read the...

26.02.2024 60

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Of Course We Should Mock the State

Every once in a while, Big Government globalists inadvertently tell the truth.  It’s usually not because they’re dumb, but because they’re so...

22.02.2024 9

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

A Tale of Two Presidents

President-In-Name-Only Joe Biden finally decided to visit East Palestine, Ohio — the community that last year endured both a toxic train derailment...

19.02.2024 80

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

A Western Consensus Is Brewing

There have been murmurs for at least the last ten years about the potential for civil war in the United States.  Polls have shown that roughly half...

16.02.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Respect for Authorities ‘Died Suddenly’

Well, I guess we know where the Federal Aviation Administration got the idea to fill cockpits with pilots suffering from psychological disorders and...

11.02.2024 6

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

A Moment in History Pregnant with Purpose

A reader recently posted a comment that has stuck with me.  He asked, “Why do I even bother awakening to face another day of truly impending...

08.02.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Hell Must Be Empty

In New York City, the bad guys have long understood an unwritten rule: you don’t hit a cop.  In the past, doing so put you at the top of the...

05.02.2024 60

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Can Unhappy Americans Unite against Their Tormentors?

In a rare campaign appearance that looked more like a “proof of life” hostage video, Dementia Joe Biden awkwardly shuffled across the stage and...

03.02.2024 40

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

WEF Totalitarians Seek to Euthanize the West

Totalitarianism is the warm bath in which civilization slits its wrists.  It envelops the people with petty rules, strange dogmas, immoral duties,...

29.01.2024 70

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Trump: America’s ‘Coat’ for a Globalist Winter

Market researcher and financial cycle analyst Charles Nenner has described Donald Trump in an insightful way.  In an interview earlier this month,...

25.01.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The World Economic Forum’s Marie Antoinettes

During a grief counseling session for professional censors and propagandists, The Wall Street Journal’s editor-in-chief complained to the World...

22.01.2024 20

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

A Government that Sows Division and Subsidizes Madness

If I believe myself to be a fork, must society be made to agree?  Should I be encouraged to hang out near salad bars with the expectation that...

18.01.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Today’s Journalists Seek Power, Not Truth

NPR, The New York Times, and other leftist propaganda organs parading as reliable news publications wrapped up 2023 by jeering House Republicans for...

15.01.2024 6

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

We Are in an Abusive Relationship with Our Government

California is now covering the costs of genital-mutilating surgeries for illegal aliens.  Leftism’s slippery slope invariably leads to depraved...

13.01.2024 80

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Can You Be Counted On?

Can you be counted on?  That is the question we quietly ask others.  It is the question good people ask themselves.  And I suspect that it is a...

06.01.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Obama’s New Movie, Same Message: Blame White People

Netflix unveiled a movie last month called Leave the World Behind that was about as subtle as an Antifa-thrown brick through a windshield: societal...

04.01.2024 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?

It is difficult for any American who loves this country to watch its political, economic, and military “leaders” destroy it.  Part of the...

02.01.2024 30

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Ending the Democrats’ ‘Plantation World Order’

As 2023 comes to a close, two stories are receiving renewed attention: the unprecedented immigrant invasion at the Southern border and Democrats’...

31.12.2023 50

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Fight This Information War with KISSes

I believe in the KISS principle: keep it simple, stupid.  I do my best to boil events down to their essential truths and then hammer those truths...

27.12.2023 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

Rebels for Christ

An unjust law is no law at all, and the more that injustice becomes the law of the land, the more likely that chaos comes, too.  Why?  Because...

24.12.2023 10

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk

The Republican Party’s Paper Elephants

The worst kept secret in politics is that most Establishment Republicans play for the other team.  If not unofficial card-carrying Democrats, they...

18.12.2023 100

American Thinker

J.b. Shurk
