The conflict in Gaza has unleashed unimaginable suffering, particularly for Palestinian women and children. Amidst the chaos, a disconcerting silence echoes from western feminists—a silence that lays bare the moral bankruptcy of their movement. Here, we delve deeper into the reasons behind this silence and explore the urgent need for a more inclusive feminism that transcends borders and stands up for all women.

From the outset of the war, western media has perpetuated a troubling narrative. Israel is often portrayed as a bastion of civilization while the Middle East is cast as a region steeped in backwardness. Such skewed representations influence public opinion and reinforce stereotypes. But it doesn’t end there. Even some British feminists have unwittingly fallen into this trap, perpetuating the same distortions.

As human beings, our creed should be unwavering: to believe women and condemn gendered violence. Yet, when it comes to the suffering in Gaza, a stark double standard emerges. Israeli women’s pain is acknowledged, their stories amplified. But Palestinian women’s struggles remain largely invisible. The International Court of Justice has issued a grave warning that Israel’s actions in Gaza could amount to genocide. Yet, the outcry from western feminists is muted, their empathy selective.

This selective empathy reveals the true face of what we call “imperial feminism.” It cherry-picks issues that align with western tastes and conveniently ignores the concerns of women from non-western backgrounds. Consider the global reaction to Iran’s Mahsa Amini—a young woman punished for her “improper” hijab, leading to her tragic death. The feminist movement rallied, staging dramatic hair-cutting protests in the heart of London. But where is the same outrage for Palestinian women facing displacement, violence, and loss?

It’s time to dismantle the walls of this exclusive feminism. We need an inclusive movement—one that transcends geographical boundaries and recognizes the humanity of all women. Palestinian women, too, deserve our solidarity. Their stories of resilience, courage, and survival must be amplified. We cannot afford to be silent when their lives hang in the balance.

Let us listen to the Palestinian women who defy adversity daily. Their narratives are rich with pain, hope, and unwavering strength. From mothers shielding their children during airstrikes to young activists documenting their people’s struggle, their voices matter. By amplifying these voices, we challenge the status quo and demand justice.

Intersectionality—the recognition that oppressions intersect—must guide our feminism. We cannot champion women’s rights while turning a blind eye to the systemic injustices faced by Palestinians. Our fight for equality must extend beyond borders. It must encompass economic justice, racial equality, and the right to self-determination.

The war on Gaza lays bare the hypocrisy of western feminism. While some champions of the cause reserve their fury for Israeli women, they ignore the catastrophic suffering in Gaza. It is time for a feminism that transcends borders—a feminism that stands up for all women, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity. The silence on Gaza is not just a moral bankruptcy; it is a betrayal of the very principles that feminism claims to uphold.

Let us break this silence. Let us raise our voices for justice, compassion, and equality, wherever it is needed. For in doing so, we honor the resilience of Palestinian women and pave the way for a more just world.

QOSHE - The War On Gaza: Unmasking Western Feminism’s Silence – OpEd - Eurasia Review
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The War On Gaza: Unmasking Western Feminism’s Silence – OpEd

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The conflict in Gaza has unleashed unimaginable suffering, particularly for Palestinian women and children. Amidst the chaos, a disconcerting silence echoes from western feminists—a silence that lays bare the moral bankruptcy of their movement. Here, we delve deeper into the reasons behind this silence and explore the urgent need for a more inclusive feminism that transcends borders and stands up for all women.

From the outset of the war, western media has perpetuated a troubling narrative. Israel is often portrayed as a bastion of civilization while the Middle East is cast as a region steeped in backwardness. Such skewed representations influence public opinion and reinforce stereotypes. But it doesn’t end there. Even some British feminists have unwittingly fallen into this trap, perpetuating the same distortions.

As human beings, our creed should be unwavering: to believe........

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