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Aharon Barak resigns as Israeli ad hoc judge at ICJ for ‘personal reasons’

No replacement for Barak is immediately announced and officials tell media that Israeli may not appoint a new representative to the World Court...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Palestinian activist wants both sides to see the conflict through each other’s eyes

Samer Sinijlawi maintains that the best way to ensure security for Israelis and dignity for Palestinians after the war is for their respective...


The Times of Israel

Gianluca Pacchiani

Exportaciones peruanas a Indonesia se incrementaron en casi un 90% durante primer trimestre de 2024

Al cierre del primer trimestre, las exportaciones peruanas a Indonesia alcanzaron un valor de US$ 14,3 millones, con un crecimiento del 89,4%...


América Economía

América Economía

Gremio empresarial chileno advierte que conflicto con China por dumping del acero afectaría envíos de cerezas

El presidente de la Confederación de la Producción y el Comercio de Chile (CPC), Ricardo Mewes, comentó respecto a las declaraciones vertidas por...


América Economía

América Economía

How Your Brain Makes Utilitarian Decisions

The brain's role in balancing conflicting preferences for greater good.


Psychology Today

William A. Haseltine Ph.d

Chronic Shame: A Complex Trauma for LGBTQ+ People

The damaging impact of growing up LGBTQ in cultures of anti-queerness.


Psychology Today

Adam James Cohen

Weak leaders create hard times

Park Jung-won Due to its unique geopolitical situation, sitting astride both land and sea, the security of the Korean Peninsula is greatly...


The Korea Times

Park Jung-Won

Svoboda in pot v pekel

Spominski dan (Memorial day) je za Američane pomemben praznik. Zadnji ponedeljek v maju se spominjajo padlih Američanov v vseh vojnah, njihovega...



Ranka Ivelja

Will young voters boost far right in EU elections?

Young voters fueled a Green wave in 2019. Now, under-30s seem poised to boost the far right in the European Parliament. It's not quite a youth...


Deutsche Welle

Ella Joyner

Ben Gvir said looking to promote driver who crashed his car to personal assistant

As police investigate Ramle crash in which 5 people were injured in April, national security minister is reportedly working to bring on Moshe...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

‘March of Rage’: Protesters in Tel Aviv, elsewhere urge implementation of hostage deal

Demonstrators light a bonfire on city’s Begin Street, chant names of hostages; rallies said held in 75 locations


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Putin says Gaza conflict not a war but ‘total destruction of civilian population’

Russian president blames failed US peace policies for situation in Mideast, says Moscow can play a greater role, sees Turkey’s Erdogan as a key...


The Times of Israel


Gallant: Talks will take place ‘under fire’; Haniyeh: No hostages without end to war

After seeing CIA director, Qatar PM and Egypt intel chief meet Hamas delegation in Doha, press them to accept Israeli offer, with expectation...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

How Netanyahu’s interview with France’s TF1 widened the Jerusalem-Paris divide

PM’s use of hard-right rhetoric on the eve of EU Parliament elections made some French viewers wince, adding to ire that saw Israeli companies...


The Times of Israel

Tal Schneider

Colombia tendrá que tapar rápido un hueco fiscal de casi US$ 7.000 millones

El reciente desplome del recaudo tributario en Colombia encendió las alarmas en los mercados y llevará al Gobierno de Gustavo Petro a anunciar...


América Economía

América Economía

Gerente del BCR colombiano explica por qué la inflación ha sido más difícil de controlar que en otros países

Este miércoles, en el primer día del congreso de la Asociación Bancaria y de Entidades Financieras de Colombia  (Asobancaria), Leonardo Villar,...


América Economía

América Economía

BCRP: uso de billeteras digitales en Perú se multiplicó por 20 en los últimos cuatro años

El Banco Central de Reserva de Perú (BCRP) señaló hoy que las transacciones de las billeteras digitales (Yape, Plin, Bim, entre otras) registran...


América Economía

América Economía

When Palestinians lie about their roots


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Barry Shaw

EDITORIAL: Kishida ready to get half-baked fund reform bill through Diet

As the Lower House is set to approve a bill to amend the Political Fund Control Law, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is likely to deliver on his...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

VOX POPULI: Cicadas’ prime number life cycles highlight math’s mysteries

Prime numbers are intriguing numbers that are greater than 1 and can be evenly divided only by themselves and 1. The four smallest prime numbers are...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

Who gets to decide what counts as ‘disorder’?

As a scholar of urban governance and data policy, I viewed the responses to protests on U.S. campuses as about more than threats to academic...


Japan Today

Japan Today

Echo Chambers of Our Own Making


The Times of Israel (Blogs)

Ethan Klein

(ČRTICE IZPOD PECE) Častiti življenje in hkrati sprejeti minljivost in smrt

Andrej Petelinšek V nadaljevanju preberite: - Težke eksistencialne dileme so, kako razumemo in sprejemamo smrt, ali se zavedamo lastne končnosti,...



Petra Lesjak Tušek

35 Years after Tiananmen Square: Is the Opportunity to Mourn Not Even Allowed?

Editorial 14:45 JST, June 5, 2024 To maintain and strengthen a one-party dictatorship, even the few remaining opportunities for mourning are...


The Japan News

The Japan News Editorial

What the EU has done for us

Nadia Calvino LUXEMBOURG – This month, hundreds of millions of voters will head to the polls for the European Parliament elections, and many will...


The Korea Times

Nadia Calviño

Korean entertainment industry takes lead to revitalize metaverse

Chyung Eun-ju Recently, the excitement surrounding the metaverse has waned. A few contributing factors we can see being attributed to this...


The Korea Times

Chyung Eun-Ju And Joel Cho

Libya’s ‘five devils’ are ready to frustrate the newly designated UN acting mediator


Middle East Monitor

Dr Mustafa Fetouri

Climate crisis is top security threat

Kim Won-soo The man-made climate crisis is worsening at an exponential rate, threatening the very survival of humanity. Despite the growing number...


The Korea Times

Kim Won-Soo

Locking Horns with the Georgian Government: US Proposes Strict Visa Restrictions on its Strategic Partner, Certain Individuals and their Family Members

The U.S. is now proposing stringent visa restrictions targeting individuals in the Georgian government and their families, despite Georgia being...


New Eastern Outlook

Henry Kamens

Human Capital Ministry faces judicial double blow

Argentina’s Human Capital Ministry was given 24 hours to present a plan for delivering food sitting in government warehouses on Wednesday by...


Buenos Aires Herald

Facundo Iglesia

Young voters flock to far-right parties in EU elections

Young voters fueled a Green wave in 2019. Now, under-30s seem poised to boost the far right in the European Parliament. It's not quite a youth...


Deutsche Welle

Ella Joyner

IDF strikes school in central Gaza where it says dozens of terrorists were gathered

20-30 members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad were gathered at UNRWA school in Nuseirat; soldier killed in battle against terror operatives trying to...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

How does the US antiwar movement today differ from that of 1967-1968

Schools are out, summer vacations fixed. But if the past is any guide to the future, United States university campuses come autumn will again erupt...


Al Jazeera

Jim Laurie

What is behind the Western media’s obsession with Rwanda?

These days, newspapers and television channels across Europe are filled with negative stories about my country, Rwanda, and its government....


Al Jazeera

Gatete Nyiringabo Ruhumuliza

Russia rebuilding ties with the Taliban

A Taliban government delegation is taking part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, after a proposal by Russian ministries to remove...


Deutsche Welle

Mikhail Bushuev

Performance-enhancing vices

I cross the finish line of a race, exhausted and excited. Before having the opportunity to rest or to celebrate, I am escorted to a small room with...



Sabrina Little

Two-year-old dies after being left in hot car in Sderot

Magen David Adom paramedics say they found girl unconscious at the scene after being removed from the vehicle by a passerby


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Daily Briefing June 6: Day 244 – On Jerusalem Day, a celebratory march turns violent

Editor David Horovitz on reports Hamas is rejecting the new hostage release deal, statements from National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and a...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

‘Free nations must stand together to oppose tyranny’: Leaders mark 80 years since D-Day

UK’s King Charles leads British event in Normandy as pivotal Allied landing to free Europe from Nazi Germany commemorated by WWII vets, military...


The Times of Israel

Elizabeth Pineau

Israelis Have No Kafka to Chronicle the Hostages' Harrowing Ordeal

"One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams. he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin." So begins "The...



Nitza Ben-Dov

Europe Needs a Green Deal 2.0

BRUSSELS – The European Union’s Green Deal is one of the bloc’s most successful and transformational policy frameworks, offering a clear path...


Project Syndicate

Frans Timmermans

Taiwan Problem: First "Post-Inaugural" Developments

The inauguration of the new president on 20 May in Taiwan was accompanied by increased political turbulence on the island itself, had a notable...


New Eastern Outlook

Vladimir Terehov

Is Biden Self-Destructing?

PRINCETON – Globally, democracies appear fragile and on the defensive. Comparisons with the 1970s and the interwar period abound. In the United...


Project Syndicate

Harold James

The return of Nigel Farage is a Tory Party nightmare


Middle East Monitor

Dr Binoy Kampmark

There is solace for India’s Muslims as Hindutva forces suffer election setback


Middle East Monitor

P. K. Niaz

Interview – Andreas Umland

Andreas Umland is an analyst at the Stockholm Centre for Eastern European Studies (SCEEUS) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs....



E-International Relations

Why is the US scared of an alliance between China, Russia, Iran and North Korea?

Washington policymakers have coined the acronym “CRINK” to represent the alliance of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, expressing...



Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

IDF says it struck terrorists hiding in UNRWA school in Gaza; Hamas claims 27 killed

Army says it took extensive precautions to minimize harm to civilians, targets included Nukhba forces who took part in Oct. 7 onslaught * Saudi...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

IDF reveals 2 km Hamas tunnel running adjacent to Egypt border crossing in Rafah

Now-demolished underground passage was allegedly used to smuggle weapons into Gaza; military claims operational control over areas in central Gaza...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

Depleted Hamas switches to insurgent tactics in Gaza, posing steep challenge

Change from direct confrontation to ambushes and bomb attacks could prolong fighting for months with no ‘quick fix’ available, officials and...


The Times of Israel

