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‘Hero of Israel’: Thousands pay last respects to officer killed in hostage rescue op

Arnon Zmora’s widow eulogizes ‘a sweet man full of laughter, sensitivity and compassion’; in tearful tribute, uncle of rescued hostage says...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Reservist with PTSD kills himself after callup order; family pleads for military burial

IDF states Eliran Mizrahi not eligible to be buried in an army cemetery because he wasn’t on active duty at time of death; mother says he...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

IDF: Hamas terrorist and journalist was holding 3 hostages in home alongside family

Abdallah Aljamal, news contributor and ex-Hamas spokesman, was killed by troops in hostage rescue in Nuseirat; he was holding Almog Meir Jan,...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

Opposition welcomes Gantz’s return with lukewarm response as PM urges him to reconsider

Lapid cheers National Unity head’s decision to quit government but Liberman dismisses it as ‘too little too late’; far-right leaders vie for his...


The Times of Israel

Sam Sokol

EU projection shows far-right parties making big gains in European elections

Centrist groups expected to keep majority in European Parliament as results trickle in, with Greens predicted to lose around 20 seats and fall to...


The Times of Israel

Lorne Cook

Political reform needed without involvement of the ruling LDP

The Japanese public is once again losing patience with the Liberal Democratic Party. Unable to address public concerns about the LDP faction...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

Renesansa neonacizma

Peljal sem se po ljubljanski obvoznici v času običajne gneče. Bilo je pred nekaj dnevi okoli druge ure popoldne. Dohitel sem voznika v...



Dragan Petrovec

Uruguay: Ancap espera decreto para licitar bloques para granjas eólicas para producir hidrógeno verde

Ancap, la petrolera estatal uruguaya, tiene todo listo desde hace más de un año para realizar un llamado internacional –Ronda H2U...


América Economía

América Economía

EDITORIAL: Cyberdefense measures should include privacy, data safeguards

The government has opened substantial discussions for introducing a setup called an “active cyberdefense,” which would keep tabs on cyberspace...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

VOX POPULI: Photojournalist Ruiko Yoshida captured vivid, empathetic shots

“What if I hadn’t come across that book at that time” is the thought that always comes to my mind when I think about one book. I read “Haremu...


The Asahi Shimbun

The Asahi Shimbun

(POGLED) Ali Gohary, Eugene Y. Chan: Trump je kriv. Pa mu bo to škodovalo?

S tem je Trump postal prvi ameriški predsednik, ki so ga obsodili kaznivega dejanja. Trump je po izreku sodbe v pogovoru z novinarji dejal, da je...



Ali Gohary

(QUO VADIS, EU) Razmislek o evropskih volitvah: Več prednosti kot slabosti

Evropska unija nam omogoča ogromno, vprašanje pa je, ali se vsi zares zavedamo, kakšna prednost je biti državljan države, ki je članica...



Ajda Brndušić

Music without borders: global impact of K-pop tours

K-pop group NCT 127 completed a second "dome" tour in Japan in early 2024. Courtesy of SM Entertainment K-pop has undeniably become a global...


The Korea Times

Kevin Kim

حول مذكرة اعتقال نتنياهو

عصر التأكد من أن هناك دعما أمريكيا لإسرائيل، (أظنه) قد انتهى منذ زمن بعيد ولا ينبغي...


العين الإخبارية

محمد خلفان الصوافي

Pro athletes understand gambling on their games is a non-negotiable no-no; some learned the hard way

Professional athletes get the lecture at the start of every season, and see the warnings any time they walk into their locker room or clubhouse: If...


Japan Today

Japan Today

UN food agency pauses delivery of aid from US pier in Gaza, citing safety concerns

US drops rejection of IDF buffer zone in Gaza ahead of Monday vote on UN Security Council resolution calling to support proposed...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Israelis chant ‘Bring them home’ at Coldplay concert in Athens

Gesture of support comes at the end of band’s performance of ‘Yellow,’ the color used to symbolize backing for the captives held by Hamas


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

In first, Hezbollah tries to down fighter jets as border fighting further ratchets up

IDF says it struck cell that launched the anti-aircraft missiles; sirens sound early Monday in Acre, Haifa suburb as interceptors fired at...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

White House denounces ‘repugnant’ pro-Hamas rhetoric at DC protest against Israel

‘Where is the outrage?’ fumes ADL chief after demonstration outside White House that included calls to kill Zionists ‘aka the overwhelming...


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

US resumes airdrops of humanitarian assistance into northern Gaza

Resumption of aid shipments by air comes day after deliveries also restarted at US-built pier that was damaged by bad weather


The Times of Israel

Jacob Magid

Gantz quits war government, says PM preventing ‘true victory’ over Hamas, urges elections

National Unity leader slams Netanyahu’s politicking and hesitation, vows to back hostage deal proposal and do the right thing ‘at any political...


The Times of Israel

Sam Sokol

Macron dissolves French parliament, calls snap elections after far-right wins EU vote

French far-right parties win 40% of the European parliament vote, beating president’s centrist alliance


The Times of Israel

Sam Sokol

Photojournalist Ziv Koren shows the world what happened on October 7, in new exhibit

The collection of images, many graphic, of people and places since the Hamas onslaught is now showcased at the Peres Center: ‘It’s become a kind...


The Times of Israel

Jessica Steinberg

Gobierno de Perú anuncia reorganización de Corpac y reestructuración de servicios aeroportuarios

El Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones de Perú anunció hoy que ante la falla en el sistema de luces de la pista de aterrizaje del...


América Economía

América Economía

How Netflix’s new docuseries ‘Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial’ aims to reach Gen Z

Now streaming, six-part series constructed as a thriller to hook today’s youth. Director Joe Berlinger explains why educating them is crucial


The Times of Israel

Gabe Friedman

Jubilant over the hostage rescue, Netanyahu knows more difficult times lie ahead

Daring Gaza op provided a welcome boost to national morale but is unlikely to mark a turning point, with the fate of the remaining captives in the...


The Times of Israel

Amir Bar Shalom

Kolumna Denisa Manceviča: (Ne)delujoče sankcije (II. del)

EPA V prejšnji kolumni (objavljeni 11. maja) sem se dotaknil dveh vidikov zahodnih sankcij proti Rusiji. Kaj je sploh njihov namen in posledično,...



Denis Mancevič

The Goldilocks Method for Getting Your Needs Met

Ask for what you need and set limits without being too meek or too forceful.


Psychology Today

Shannon Sauer-Zavala Ph.d

Why I Appointed Judge Eitan Orenstein President of the Tel Aviv District Court



Ayelet Shaked

Japan can aid in preventing human rights slide in Asia

Last month, discussing Japan’s foreign policy, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that “our role is to actively shape an Asia and a world where...


The Japan Times

Elaine Pearson

The Indian election’s winners and losers

When the results of India’s general election were announced on June 4, the biggest losers were the pundits and pollsters, who had almost...


The Japan Times

Shashi Tharoor

Bad service is in the U.K.’s cultural DNA

Every nation has its eternal truth. Brazil is the country of the future — and always will be. In Britain, where the obsequious butler or maid is...


The Japan Times

Matthew Brooker

Does economic security undermine the benefits of interdependence?

Economic security is becoming increasingly central to American foreign and economic policy. It involves protecting supplies of critical materials...


The Japan Times

Paul Nadeau

Claudia’s triumph, the first woman to lead Mexico

Analysis. Sheinbaum has a broad mandate to continue the leftist transformation begun by Obrador. She will be able to do so by building on the sense...


Il Manifesto Global

Daniele Nalbone

With balance of power shifting right, the European Commission is the prize

Analysis. How long will we have to wait to see the new Commission formed? After the elections, the complicated game of appointments will begin,...


Il Manifesto Global

Andrea Valdambrini

The future of the EU is being constructed on an anti-migrant foundation

Analysis. The centrists’ choice to compete with the likes of Orban, Le Pen, Salvini and Meloni on the playing field of racism and the diminishment...


Il Manifesto Global

Filippo Miraglia

Achieving optimum mental health for older adults

The population in Korea is aging at an alarming pace. According to Statistics Korea, by 2025 the country is forecast to become a super-aged...


The Korea Times

Ma Kyung-Hee

Britain’s Democratic Failure

Eight years on, the case for requiring that Brexit-type votes achieve a supermajority still seems right. The question is not whether Brexit was...


Project Syndicate

Kenneth Rogoff

The Economic World We’ve Lost


Project Syndicate

Michael R. Strain

India’s “Truman Show” Democracy


Project Syndicate

Debasish Roy Chowdhury

The Case for Optimism in the Muslim World


Project Syndicate

Abdullah Gül

America’s Democratic Dysfunction

MENLO PARK – For almost 20 years, the world has been in the midst of a “democratic recession,” with illiberal, nativist, and populist...


Project Syndicate

Kelly Born

Accountability Holds the Key to Restoring Trust in Democracy


Project Syndicate

Anat R. Admati

The New-Old Authoritarianism


Project Syndicate

Ruth Ben-Ghiat

How Serious Is Europe’s Anti-Democratic Threat?


Project Syndicate

Sheri Berman

Latin America’s Big Opportunity


Project Syndicate

Shannon K. O&x27Neil

Iran is entering a difficult presidential election

As the deadline for registering candidates for the upcoming presidential elections approaches, there is a noticeable surge in political activity in...


New Eastern Outlook

Viktor Mikhin

With laughter and tears, rescued hostages reunite with their loved ones in Israel

Families of Noa Argamani, Shlomo Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov thank IDF for their return, call for Israel to do everything it can to bring...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Officer dies of wounds from hostage rescue raid in Gaza; entire op renamed in his honor

Chief Insp. Arnon Zamora, 36, from elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit, came under fire while leading team extracting hostages from building in...


The Times of Israel

Emanuel Fabian

‘I think this is wrong’: Pelosi comes out against Netanyahu’s Congress invite

Democratic former House speaker says PM’s planned address next month will sow more discontent among Americans, suggests he should resign before then


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff
