Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

Yuma Sun

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First Take: When car parts are more valuable than a human life

In case people were wondering whether catalytic converter thefts are still occurring, they are – some with tragic consequences. Last Saturday former...

31.05.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Striking and head-scratching images from a funeral

Last week the Associated Press moved several photos of the funeral for Roger Fortson, the 23-year-old senior airman who was shot and killed by a...

24.05.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Preparing for a dreaded farewell

17.05.2024 30

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: New food discovery warms my heart, cools my body

Last week I was at the store buying groceries and household necessities and grumbling (as usual) about the high prices ($7 for a can of Lysol?!?!?...

10.05.2024 20

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: The toxicity of social media

On Instagram this week I saw a clip of actress-singer Selena Gomez. The interviewer asked her what advice would she give young women. “Get off...

03.05.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Shopping for Others

In trash-cinema director John Waters’ movie “Pecker,” the title character and his juvenile delinquent buddy play a game called “Shopping for...

26.04.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

Fist Take: When sickness hits a little too close to home

A friend texted me this week to tell me he has shingles. He has it on his head and says it’s very painful, especially the accompanying headaches. I...

19.04.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Unexpectedly losing a new friend

We’ve all had that one person in our orbit whom we didn’t know very well but finally got to meet and spend time with before they abruptly moved...

12.04.2024 7

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: A storm of confusion

This weather we’re having is crazy! It’s so erratic that I am considering storing a fleece hoodie and a light raincoat in my drawer at work just...

05.04.2024 20

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Deadly mountain lion attack is a wake-up call

This week we ran a couple of stories about that tragic incident in California in which a mountain lion attacked two young brothers, killing one of...

29.03.2024 6

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Taking a crunch out of my budget

NBC News recently had a story about a restaurant owner in San Francisco who doubled the price of his famed burrito to $22, a decision he attributed to...

22.03.2024 5

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take:

A celebrity I follow on Instagram recently posted a video of a conversation she had with a friend. She told the friend that whenever she got a bloody...

15.03.2024 8

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: A watered-down desire for one of life's necessities

Food and liquid aversions fascinate me. I can see people not liking avocados, coconut, mole, white wine and sugary sodas. But water? Seriously? Up...

01.03.2024 20

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take:

While listening to Boz Scaggs’ 1976 classic song “Lowdown” and admiring the front of Scaggs’ “Silk Degrees” LP, a reactor on YouTube...

23.02.2024 6

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: A troubling memory of my grandmother

Last week I wrote about a fond memory I have of my nana. But this week I am going to share something about her that is problematic. When I was a boy...

16.02.2024 6

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Buttering up my wise nana

During my childhood, my nana always had three things in her kitchen: a pan of refried beans warming on the stove, a stack of freshly made flour...

09.02.2024 20

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: The cold didn't last enough to cast its spell

A friend and I met for dinner the other night and our conversa-tion at one point shifted to the weather. He asked if I had turned on my home’s...

03.02.2024 30

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: What do bread, milk and ground beef have in common?

Today’s paper has an AP article about how the U.S. economy grew at a surprisingly strong 3.3% pace last quarter, which the story says points to...

26.01.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Pardon the food for thought cliche

Three random food- and cooking-related things I learned on Instagram this week: • My glass cutting board is better suited for decorative purposes...

19.01.2024 3

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: The batteries and vacuums in our lives

A regular contributor to my favorite blog lost his longtime partner to cancer last year. Since then, every other post is about how depressed he is and...

13.01.2024 8

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: News indigestion

Like many of you, I sometimes grow tired of all the doom and gloom in the news. It’s gotten so bad that mental health professionals say some of...

05.01.2024 10

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Are funeral processions outdated?

A recent discussion on Reddit focused on traffic control for funeral process-ions. Some people argued that funeral processions are an outdated...

29.12.2023 7

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: Unfairly singled out

Did you hear about the 10-year-old boy in Mississippi who got arrested for urinating in a parking lot? Crazy, huh? According to NBC News, the boy was...

15.12.2023 5

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas

First Take: What's up with the tap water in the Foothills?

To save money, I stopped buying bottled water about a year ago. The taste of tap water has never bothered me. I found that if I refrigerate it, it...

08.12.2023 20

Yuma Sun

Rogelio Yubeta Olivas
